January 2011 Moms

had 1st u/s today, no longer going to be a Jan. mommy

I'm 9 weeks 6 days based on lmp and was expecting baby to measure a bit behind because I o'd on cd 19 not the typical 14 that lmp takes into account.  Baby is measuring 9 wks 3 days which is fine but there was no hb, baby wasn't moving at all.  D&C scheduled for tomorrow morning.  I have had no signs of anything being wrong.  I am afraid I may start bleeding in the meantime and don't know what to expect.  Doc didn't think I would but I'm pretty sure that while in the shower just a few minutes ago I passed some pink tinged ewcm like cm.

hoping this m/c bleeding gets over quickly and regular af comes fast so we can start ttc again really soon!  Hope we get pg again really fast with a healthy one.

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