2nd Trimester

Stupid Motherhood Maternity online....vent....

Last Tuesday I ordored a bathing suit off their website.  I've been waiting for awhile and have yet to recieve any sort of email regarding a shipment number.  So today I called and  I found out it is on back order.  I'm really irritated that I did not get an email regarding it was on back order.  I asked the guy on the phone why I didn't and he "didn't understand why..."  I know I didn't accidently delete it because I havn't deleted any emails in a while and I even when back to double check.    I'm supposed to go on vacation and don't have access to a bathing suit.  I'm a busty girl as it is so its hard for me to find bathing suits as it is.  Now I can't find any online.  I wish I would have gotten a heads up so I could have been looking elsewhere.  Now if I get a new one it has to be rushed which will cost more money.   For you bustier girls, where did you find a bathing suit?
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