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Hi from South Africa!

Hi there,

My name is Odette.  I got married on 27 Feb 2010 and my husband and I have been together for just over 6 years.  We live in Pretoria, South Africa and I am a HUGE fan of  I even have the preg411 and baby411 apps installed on my iPhone already (even though I'm not pregnant yet).

DH and I have decided to start trying middle of next year, so that baby comes just after we've been married 2 years.  Even though it's only a year away, it still feels too long to wait.  I am obsessed with everything to do with trying to conceive, being pregnant, giving birth and caring for a baby.  I'm reading through the TTC and pregnancy stories on the site as well as the birth stories.  I've already decided I want to do a natural birth and maybe even try hypnobirthing.  I'm going to my gynae on Friday and I want to find out if she supports natural birth, so that we can start building a relationship before I get pregnant.  

I am definitely ready to have a baby and be a mom, but DH is still getting used to the idea. On top of that I have a lot of debt that I'm trying to pay off, so that I can afford to buy all the nice things I want for our future child.  I just want to know one thing... Is it okay for me to want this so badly?

I'm looking forward to chatting with mom's and other future mom's like me ;-)

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Re: Hi from South Africa!

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    Hi and Welcome!

    It is absolutely normal for you to want this so badly. I think it's part of our nurturing instinct.  

    TTC and pregnancy will be the most exciting, crazy, insane time of your life. Get ready and good luck!

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    Have you gone to any football matches?

    Oh, and good lucking TTC.

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    Yeah, we went to see Brazil vs Ivory Coast at Soccer City in Johannesburg. It was really amazing! The rest of the games, we're going to watch from home though 'cause it is really cold out ;-)

    Thanks for the reply and for the luck! 

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers Pregnancy Ticker BabyFetus Ticker
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