Military Families

Military to Military

My husband and I are both AF from the East coast living at Nellis.  This is our first baby, and just wondering the type of family care plans other mil-mil families have out there...
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Re: Military to Military

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    My husband and I are mil-mil were navy. The way we do it is we both submitt paperwork once the baby is born for who would care for the child in the event that we both get deployed. A guy i work with him and his wife are mil-mil her ship is going on a 6 month deployment and he was just assigned to a year long IA to afgan...

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    Hello. We are mil-to-mil as well. We had a very difficult time finding someone to be our local person, because, as you know, they have to be non-military, and since we are both AF, most of our friends are single military or mil-to-mil.  I ended up having the Wing secretary sign it as my local person, since I got to know her from work and felt comfortable asking.  I was previously turned down by another civilian in our section because she already had five kids "assigned" to her!  I would say to ask neighbors you like or just anyone who would be willing to watch your kid long enough for your long-term people to get out there.  On my form, I wrote in that she would watch our child up to five days.  As long as people understand that the obligation isn't more than a few days, that should make it easier for you.  You can also try calling the FCC and find out if there is a provider who does this.  Good luck!
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    AbbneyAbbney member

    So far I figured my bff as my local (since she has already stated that this is HER baby and I will get to bring it home at night...) as long as her Husband does PCS...then split the remainder between my family and his, they are an 8 hr apart from each other...

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    My husband and I don't have a family plan. He is a marine and I am navy. We are not even Co-Located together yet. I don't know what we would do at all.?
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    I don't have anything to add to your post, but DH and I are at Nellis too.  If you need any help or referrals for doctors or what not, let me know.  We've been here for over three years now.  
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    I'm USAR and H is AD Navy. We would give FULL custody of our three kids to my older sister if I ever deploy. He deploys all the time and I just deal with it as it comes, but with his OPTEMPO anytime I am gone we have to have full time care for the kids.


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