Maryland Babies

Baltimore Washington Medical Center ??

My doctor wants to do our csection at BWMC in their new L&D but I've heard some pretty scary things about their unit!!  A friend of my family works as a neonatal nurse at University, where the really sick babies are sent, and she said that they see alot of babies from BWMC being sent there due to stupid nursing errors... I'm a little nervous about delivering there...

 Has anyone heard anything, good or bad about them or has anyone delivered there???  i'm on the fence!

Re: Baltimore Washington Medical Center ??

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    Where would your doctor deliver if not at BWMC?  Given your reservations and what you heard I think it would be best for you to deliver where you feel comfortable. 
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    My doctors office delivers at both AAMC in Annapolis and BWMC in Glen Burnie.  They can't fit my scheduled cssection in until the day before my due date at AAMC so they pushed me to BWMC.
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    That seems strange that they can't fit you in at AAMC...I delivered there and really liked it! I don't know much about BWMC, but if I had heard scary stories, I'd try to push AAMC. GL with everything!
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    I'd go to AAMC then.  Just curious do you go to Annapolis OB/Gyn?
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    Yes, I'm using Annapolis OB/Gyn!!  This is my first and I'm not sure how I feel about a practice with SO many doctors... The chance of getting the doctor I like to deliver is like 1 in 20! 
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    I delivered at AAMC and loved the whole experience. One reason I wanted to deliver there is because they have a fantastic level IV NICU, because you never know. A very good friend of mine delivered there and her LO had to be rushed to the NICU and that probably ended up saving his life.

    I have no experience with BWMC but you may know a few years ago they were North Arundel hospital. Well my DH had surgery there and they left sponges in him. They may have changed their name, be under completely different ownership, but he is traumatized and swears he will never go there for anything. I know that is not related to L&D but you mentioned nursing errors and I just had to throw that out there. Good luck with whatever you decide.

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    Yes, I'm using Annapolis OB/Gyn!!  This is my first and I'm not sure how I feel about a practice with SO many doctors... The chance of getting the doctor I like to deliver is like 1 in 20! 

    Are you having a scheduled C/S?  

    If so don't you get to at least choose from a few doctors who would do the procedure?  vs. someone who goes into labor @ random?

    I had DD w/ Annapolis Ob-Gyn and while I did not like that the induced me 3 days earlier than what they said they would, at least I got to choose from 3 induction dates w/ 3 different doctors, I was lucky that the last date was w/ one of my 2 fave docs in the practice. 

    I did not like their surgery coordinator at all. 

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    kesryakesrya member
    Thanks for posting this thread.  I just recently moved to Pasadena, so BWMC is the closest to my home -- but I didn't even realize there was a hospital there until recently, so I know nothing about it.  We are doing a homebirth, and the midwife said that in the event of an immediate emergency, we'd have to transfer to this hospital because it is the closest (I had requested that we transfer to AAC because I have so many patients that have had a great experience there).
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    Unless you are having a true medical emergency don't transfer to AAMC kesrya.  I heard a doula recently share a story about how awful the staff treated a homebirther that decided to transfer to the hospital.  (She wanted to go for pain relief).  If you are transfering for a medical emergency then that is a different story.  If you live 10-15 min from AAMC then that isn't a problem but if it is further than that then you should consider BWMC.  I am trying to convince my dh to have a homebirth for the next baby and we live about 5-10 min from BWMC so that will be our backup hospital if Iget my wish!  GL and I can't wait to read your birthstory.

     Oh and you might be interested in joining the Anne Arundel Co. Birth Circle.  They meet once a month at BWMC's Tate Center.  There is a yahoo group that you can join and get more information if you are interested.


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    kesryakesrya member

    Thanks for the suggestions! I will definitely look into the Birth Circle.

    We would only transfer to AAMC or BWMC in the event of an emergency that requires transfer during active labor, and in this case, my midwife says we *have* to go to the closest hospital that has a birthing unit.  She had never even heard of BWMC (probably because of their name change), but it is literally 5 minutes down the street from me, whereas AAMC is 25 - 30.

    If it turns out that any complications arise during pregnancy that require a hospital birth, but it is something that is not an emergency that comes up during active labor, we will opt to deliver at Mercy where my midwife has privledges and therefore would still be the one delivering the baby. 

    I'll be happy to share the birth story. We're still early (9 1/2 weeks) so I know anything could come up that would change our ability to have a homebirth, but thus far we are super low risk and I'm barely even having any 1st tri uncomfortableness, so I'm hoping this continues and I'll be able to share a great homebirth story to help your DH in his decision making.

    My husband actually took no convincing at all -- I told him this is what I would want to do before we even got pregnant and he agreed wholeheartedly.  Yesterday we got some unsolicited advice from a friend whose 44 year old wife gave birth pre-maturely to IVF twins via Csection.  She has a history of severe infertility issues, and was in kidney failure the final month of the pregnancy.  For her high risk pregnancy with complications, a hospital birth via Csection was absolutely necessary and appropriate.  But my situation is practically the exact opposite of hers - so when he kept insisting that we go to the hospital, get an epidural and schedule ourselves a Csection, my husband finally had to stand up and cut him off.  But I was proud of how knowledgale he has become about homebirth - he's not just doing this because I want it, after researching and reading, he wants it too.  So hopefully your DH will come to the same decision if this is something that is right for you :)

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    I work at BWMC and want to extend an invitation to you to tour the new birthing facility, meet the staff and answer any questions you might have. I understand that this is a very big decision as I have a 5 year old and 8 month old so I know what it is like to be nervous with such a big decision. If you think it will help, please give me a call and I will be happy to talk with you and show you the center. I can be reached at 410-787-4367.

    Good luck!


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    I work at BWMC and want to extend an invitation to you to tour the new birthing facility, meet the staff and answer any questions you might have. I understand that this is a very big decision as I have a 5 year old and 8 month old so I know what it is like to be nervous with such a big decision. If you think it will help, please give me a call and I will be happy to talk with you and show you the center. I can be reached at 410-787-4367.

    Good luck!

    Are you a lurker or did BWMC pop up on your google alerts or something?  I mean this is your first and only post and it is to toot your workplace?  Sorry but it just seems kinda random to me.

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    That is wonderful!  (My husband's main argument against having a homebirth is that we had a wonderful delivery experience at Special Beginnings so why not go there again next time.  But I still have time :) ).  My friend had a midwife attended water birth at Mercy and she said that it was great although they tried to charge her for things that she did not receive (like an epidural) so that has been a hassle for her to try and fix.  I highly recommend looking into the Brewer Diet.  That in conjunction with exercise will definitely help to keep you low risk.  And if you need any birth class or doula recommendations just let me know and I would be happy to share.  (Also, I highly recommend Dr. Wallie and Dr. Howard at Broadneck Family Chiropractic.  Going will help not only with the aches and pains of pregnancy but it also helps your pelvis to stay in alignment.  I started going toward the end of my second trimester and it was one of the best decisions that I made). There is also a great unmedicated birth forum at American Pregnancy Association.  I learned a lot from the ladies on there.

    I also agree that it is really unnerving and unfortunate when people try to talk you out of your birth choices.  I truly believe that women should be able to have whatever kind of birth they want.  It would frustrate me when I was pregnant and so many women tried to talk me out of my natural birth.  I don't try and talk women out of medicated births.  If you want the epidural - great.  If you don't - great.  So why can't it go both ways - KWIM? (If I am asked about risks and statistics I will of course gladly share them :) ).  Anyway, coming down off of my soap box.  And sorry to OP for the thread hijack!

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