Maryland Babies

Childbirth classes @ St Joe's

I have to register for these, but the online calendar is impossible for me to read.  It also seems like there aren't enough classes offered.  There's a 5 week one in August, but I'm due in September. 

I called the office, but they're closed.  I'll call again tomorrow.  But I was wondering if anyone has recently called them for the official schedule.


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Re: Childbirth classes @ St Joe's

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    Looks to me like they have a 5-week starting July 12. I started last year in late July and L was due in mid-September. You're fine if you take it at the last minute. My class went through August and most of us were due in September.

    Looks like there's also a 3-week starting June 22 and a 3-week Saturday class in July.



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    The calendar has sucked for a while.  The only way I found anything out is by calling.
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    OK, called and got the info.

    Saturday Option:  July 3, 10, 17 - This is out because we're on vaca the week of July 4th.

    Tuesday Options:  July 13, 20, 27.  Aug 3, 10,17.

    I guess we'll have to do a Tuesday.  I was trying to avoid Tuesdays because H works until 5 at the earliest and we live in Carroll County.  Him coming right from work isn't an option because he's pretty dirty and will definitely need a shower! 

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    I would really, REALLY like to get enrolled in one of these sessions! Is anyone else going to be attending?
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    We officially enrolled in the August 3, 10, 17.  I forgot to add that in my post.  Whoops!

    The breastfeeding class is free with this class.  But both my sister and cousin took it and said they learned NOTHING.  They said they learned a lot more from the lactation consultant in the hospital.  So, since St Joe's is nowhere near us, I opted out of the BF class.

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