Maryland Babies

Kind of disappointed with B&B's

I was looking for a quick beach weekend get-away in DE or in VA and I was thinking a B&B would be nice.  I was looking and only found 1 in DE where kids were welcome.  I totally understand having some that are adult only, but I'm disappointed that there is only 1 that I could find that was family friendly.
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Re: Kind of disappointed with B&B's

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    How about NJ? I was looking for ones there yesterday for my dad. He wants to take my mom away on a quiet getaway. I saw quite a few. I dont remember the names because he didn't want kids around. I was looking in the Cape May area.
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    That stinks!  I hope that you find a place that you like!
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    I wouldn't want to take my lo to a B&B, they are always so fru-fru-y and I would spend the entire time there worrying that she would break everything.

     There are hotels at the ocean that are a bit more baby friendly and a quick get away. 

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    Which one did you find?

    DH & I stayed @ a place in Rehoboth that was definitely family/kid friendly for our "mini-moon" 

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    We stayed @ the Bellmoor- I had to look it up.

    It's a bed & breakfast inn.  It has a few "buildings" one of which I think had been a motel, and then maybe 2 houses?

    It has 2 pools, one which is quiet and kid-free, the other is family-friendly.  

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