Babies: 9 - 12 Months

AW - my anniversary present

I got tickets for Chelsea Handler!  It was our 4 year anniversary yesterday, and we were just getting each other cards, but in mine was tickets to her show in Nov!  I got all emotional and cried!  I had never asked for them, or mentioned that she was coming to town, but my DH heard it on the radio, and knows that I love her.  It was so thoughtful of him!!!
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Re: AW - my anniversary present

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    that is pretty cool. 

    why to go DH!

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    Yay! How thoughtful! Happy Anniversary - mine is today - 5 years! I'm sure DH won't get me anything since we dont really do presents, but we get to have sushi for dinner!

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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    Well happy anniversary to you!  DH hates sushi, so jealous there!
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    That's awesome! I wish DH would ever go out on a limb like that for me...

     Anyhoo - where did you get your LO's driving cap??  I've been looking all over and can't find kid's sizes!

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    That's awesome! I wish DH would ever go out on a limb like that for me...

     Anyhoo - where did you get your LO's driving cap??  I've been looking all over and can't find kid's sizes!

    At The Children's Place.  I got it online - I am in love with it, and he is finally at the age now where he doesn't take it off!  I tried to see if they have any right now, and no luck.  They do have a ton of hats on sale right now though.  I did a search online and found but that was kind of it.  Maybe Etsy?

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    That's awesome! I wish DH would ever go out on a limb like that for me...

     Anyhoo - where did you get your LO's driving cap??  I've been looking all over and can't find kid's sizes!

    I found one at the Gap too!  Not sure if this link will work, but here you go


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    Awesome! Thanks.
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