
Pls suggest a single stroller, thanks!

Married since 8.17.03
Mom to Richard 7.24.05, Ava 3.27.08, Isabella 5.19.09 & Timothy 10.22.14

Re: Pls suggest a single stroller, thanks!

  • For what?  I think this is to general to get an answer.
  • For overall general use? I love my inglesina zippy. Light weight, easy to fold and fits great in my accord's trunk.
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  • Love love love my Maclaren Triumph as a daily use stroller.  I had a lot of strollers and it was by far my favorite but it only works once the child is sitting up. 
  • 4 1/2 years and two kiddos later, I still love our Peg Perego Pliko P3 and would buy it again.  Nice compact umbrella fold, super easy to steer, decent sized basket and best of all, holds lots of crap when you're shopping w/o tipping :)

    Also like that it has a foot bar on the back for a second child to stand on in a pinch (4 y/o DS loves standing on it - no need for a double stroller).


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