High-Risk Pregnancy

Stupid Pre-E

I'm tired of being high-risk. I'm tired of feeling like I'm failing as a pregnant woman. With PIH, GD, two surgeries and numerous frequent over-night stays in L&D, I'm officially also pre-e. We're holding out for 32 weeks for delivery. I got started on steroid shots this afternoon to help her lungs develop quickly, and I've got several dates scheduled with my OB for testing. OB said they wouldn't let my BP go above 160/ 110's, and are monitoring my liver functions, platletes and edema. But we've already been given lots of information on becoming preemie parents Sad I've done everything I can to keep baby safe, but I still feel like I'm letting her down.

Vent Over.

Re: Stupid Pre-E

  • Please don't be hard on yourself...this is not because of anything you have done! I had pre-e with my dd and it just happens. I too thought I was doing everything right. I am sitting in the hospital tonight being closely monitored with this baby, so far only PIH...but I too had the steroid shots today. It is tough, but the Doctor knows what is best for you and baby--and I have always been told that little girls are 'survivors' and will send t&p your way for you and baby. Hang in there. Every day the little one stays is good.
  • Thank you. The doctor also told me we were looking to be having a girl instead of a 'wimpy' boy Stick out tongue I guess I just have bump envy for all the women that have complication free pregnancies and get to take their babies straight home.
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  • Don't feel badly! Pre-e--and why some women get it--is a mystery. I am really glad you are being cared for properly.

    I went into the hospital on mother's day at 31 weeks when I was pregnant 2 years ago. I delivered at 32 weeks. Although I was really scared, I was insanely happy to finally meet my little girl.

    Being a preemie parent is tough, there's no doubt about that. But it wasn't the worst thing in the world. My baby spent about 4 weeks in the NICU to learn to feed and grow, and get over her jaundice. While I wasn't able to get out of bed due to the pre-e, my husband was taken to the NICU prior to our delivery and given a tour along with the worst-case scenario type talk from the neonatologist. If you are able to do that, it might help you with more information. The NICU nurses are truly the best. They are wonderful clinicians. One of my baby's nurses actually had a preemie herself, and that was a great thing to know about her because she had a very personal perspective on things.

    Keep a positive attitude. Be happy. It's ok to feel sorry for yourself once or twice, but think about how excited you will be to meet your baby. I still remember that feeling of pure joy when I had my daughter. It was incredible, and nothing could have changed that. My situation was not worth getting worked up over; it was worth taking care of myself so my baby would do alright. Good luck!

  • oh sweetie. I so know how you feel. I too felt like I failed as a pregnant woman and a mommy. It was terrible. My body just completly failed me.

    You are doing the best you can!!! No one knows why and where pre-e comes from! Being a preemie parent is hard and trying, but you will get through it. I had my son at 35 weeks (made it 10 days from pre-e diagnosis to delivery) and he was rushed from my hospital I delivered at to another one acorss town. (mine didn't have a nicu). My dh left with ds and followed the ambulance and I stayed at the hospital in tears and was a complete mess. I did not SEE my son for three days. It was torture and I will tell you. I am still very jealous of woman who get to hold their babies right after or even see them.

    It was very traumatic but it takes time and healing. My ds is a crazy almost 2 year old now and I am so grateful every time I look at him because I know the miracle that he is and knowing I survived going through what I went through with him.

    stay strong. I promise it will be ok. But you are NOT alone. We have all been there.

    Big big BIG HUGS to you!!!!

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  • I know how hard it is, I have been there like most of us that commented. It's hard feeling like your body fails and then being envious of all those other perfect pregnancies. But you have done everything you can and it sounds like your in great hands! At least they caught this, many go uncaught and mamas get REAL sick.

    Ill be thinking about you!

  • Thank you ladies so much for the support. I feel like I learn so much from this board, and I take comfort in the stong women on here.
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