North Florida Babies

pack n play vs crib

DH and I have been trying to decide on which would be better. I've read pros and cons to both and just wanted actual opinions from real people. We will be living in an apartment for atleast the first 4 months the baby is here, and the baby's room will have to share with our "office". And we wanna save on money wherever we can. I tend to lean towards getting a crib, just because I feel like a baby's room isn't complete without one, but that reason doesn't have me completely convinced.

What's your opinion? Anyone have experience with using just a pack n play instead of a crib?

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Re: pack n play vs crib

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    I say if space is an issue, go with what works best. Mine slept in the bassinet the first few months anyway. You can always switch to a crib when you move.
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    We used the pack n play bc it had a really good changing station and we had a two story house. It made it easier bc we left the pnp downstairs and the crib was upstairs. LO slept in the car seat, bouncy or the swing though for the first few months. Ask around though bc someone is always getting rid of or know someone who is getting rid of a crib. Make sure though if you do get a crib from someone that you call the manufac. and check if it has been recalled.
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    We had both, PNP was used downstairs and crib/bassinet upstairs.  But I will say that we used the PNP a lot more than the crib.  The PNP had the bassinet attachment on in and he slept on that for the first month or so.

    If I were in your shoes, I would do the PNP.  Then once you move, you can purchase the crib.  IMO, you can do without the crib for the first 4 months.  You can even move the PNP in your bedroom and back to the baby's room.

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    Thanks for the advice ladies!
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    There is a really nice consignment shop in St Augustine called Carousel Kids (they have a website). They have beautiful stuff and the prices are great. Also, there is one in jacksonville called Once Upon A Child. Check them out for cribs. I believe they also sell Mini-Cribs which is the same comfort of a crib but just compact. 
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    You might also want to consider a side car co-sleeper. It's like a pack n play, but it attaches to the side of your bed. Baby has it's own sleeping surface, plus they are right there for night feedings. We used an Arms Reach co-sleeper.
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    I've been debating this back and forth myself, and I think the crib would only be most important once the LO can start pulling themselves up--there isn't as much side stability on a pack and play. But until then, a crib is just an extra. That's how it seems anyway :)
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    We didn't use Nathan's room until he was 6 months. He was either in the Arm's Reach (we had the mini version which saves even more space) or co-sleeping with us. We even laughed that we stressed about getting his room done early for no reason at all. Heck, we even had the changing table in our room. I vote for waiting on the crib. 
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    We used a bassinet in our room for about 3-4 weeks.  The pack and play was set up in our den for late nights or daytime "naps".  We moved Mungee into her crib early on.  She was a long baby, so the bassinet got small pretty quickly.  Four months seems like a long time for the pack and play ... I guess it will depend on the size of your baby and how mobile he/she is.  I think the bassinet limit on the PP is 15 pounds.  We never used a co-sleeper/sidecar type of thing, so I can't attest to those.
    Mungee and Me
    How is it that my BABY is going to be 3?

    BFP-2/25/11; 8 Wk U/S-3/25/11-No HB, measured 6.5 wks; D&C
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    Zoe slept in the pack n play next to our bed, and it worked great for me. But then as she got heavier the board apparently started warping and she was sleeping in a ditch. I didnt notice this for a while and was wondering why she was starting to sleep worse and worse. And she was tucking her hand under her back...just thought thats how she wanted to sleep.  She was moved to her crib and sleeps SO MUCH BETTER now!  So, for short term it works just as good as a crib. But not a long term solution.
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    We are getting both...only because we will be traveling several times a year to see family. If you do end up getting a crib I would recommend getting one of the 4 in 1s or 3 in 1s....that way it will last you from newborn to teen. You would just have to get a full size mattress later on.
    Heather crunchy mommy to Alivia image image image image image image
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    B slept in a co-sleeper/bassinet beside our bed for the first 6 weeks, then we moved him to the crib.  He napped in the PNP sometimes, but I found it was easier to just put him in his crib and he seemed to be a lot more comfortable.  The PNP/basinettes don't really offer a lot of support.

    We do get a lot of use out of our PNP when we travel though, B still sleeps in it and he's almost 2.  He's too tall to stretch out in it, but he sleeps curled up in a ball so it hasn't been an issue yet :)

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