Natural Birth

Poll about your births

I know a lot of us have posted our birth stories but thought it might be fun to see all of our stats and helpful for those preparing for their first natural birth..


How many children do you have?

 What type of births did you have?


 For your natural birth(s) answer the following...

What led you to choose natural birth?  What motivated you?

Did you try any natural induction methods?

When did you go into labor?

How did you feel leading up to going into labor?

What time did contractions start?

What time was your child born?

What part of labor and delivery was the most difficult for you?

Did you use a particular method?  Did it go how you planned?

Was there anything you did to prepare or planned to use that you didn't end up using?

Tell us about pushing.

Did you have any tearing?

How much did DC weigh?

What do you things do you think contributed the most to your successful natural birth?

If you've had a c-section or medicated birth how would you compare them to your natural birth experience?

What would you do differently next time?

Re: Poll about your births

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    How many children do you have? 2

     What type of births did you have? DD was a scheduled c-section for breech and DS was a natural VBAC


     For your natural birth(s) answer the following...

    What led you to choose natural birth?  What motivated you? I'd wanted natural birth with DD too and was so bummed when it didn't work out.  With DS I'd planned for a repeat c/s until I changed practices and they went over the true VBAC stats with me, then I was ready to try again.  I don't like the idea of a needle in my spin, it makes sense to me to work with the natural impulses of my body to birth a baby...that's how all the other creatures do it and that's how women have done it for years and years.  I see the link between interventions and delivery complications and the rising c-section rate.  And I wanted that sense of personal achievement.

    Did you try any natural induction methods? yes, spicy food, pineapple, chiropractics, evening primrose oil but ultimately I think sex was what worked b/c it triggered hours of contractions each time and ultimately led to labor.

    When did you go into labor?40 weeks and 4 days

    How did you feel leading up to going into labor?  like it was any other day, I was just mentally over the waiting but felt fine physically

    What time did contractions start? at 3:30pm on Easter Sunday (

    What time was your child born? at 7:40pm that same day (hard labor started at 5:30 and I got to the hospital fully dilated ready to push at 6:30)

    What part of labor and delivery was the most difficult for you? transition was the most painful but pushing was the hardest mentally.  My hard labor came on so fast it was difficult for me to relax and change gears to push.  They told me to take my time and my doula just kept reminding me to relax and let go of my fear.

    Did you use a particular method?  Did it go how you planned? I read about 8 natural birth books when I was pregnant with DD, then when I was pregnant with DS I read the Bradley book, and re-read the Mongan Method Hypnobirthing book.  I also read a ton online about VBAC and joined a VBAC support group.  My ultimate method was to be informed and go with whatever worked.  I ended up relying on my Bradley and Hypnobirthing stuff in early labor to relax through the pain, the Bradely stuff in terms of watching for emotional markers and ended up using the Bradley pushing techniques.

    Was there anything you did to prepare or planned to use that you didn't end up using? I didn't listen to a single one of my hypnobirthing tracks- by the time I got into hard labor I was already in transition and barely got to the hospital in time

    Tell us about pushing. (see above) I really just had to stop flipping out so I could relax and push.  I never did feel the urge that everyone talked about.  I labored down on all fours, did light pushing on my side and ultimately pushed him down upright in the bed holding my own legs.  All and all he came out fairly easily and I think being able to feel what I was doing allowed me to work with the pain to go slowly and give myself time to stretch.

    Did you have any tearing? One small tear inside my vaginal wall requiring one stitch

    How much did DC weigh?10 lb 1 oz

    What do you things do you think contributed the most to your successful natural birth? I think being well informed was the most important.  It helped me continue to go about my business during early labor.  It also helped me not totally freak out once hard labor started- I was saying things like "i can't do this" so I knew the pain I was in wouldn't last long.  Also I think knowing that everything I was feeling was normal helped me stay calm and trust my body.

    If you've had a c-section or medicated birth how would you compare them to your natural birth experience? I had a scheduled c-section, I had a good experience and an easy recovery but it doesn't hold a candle to having a child vaginally and naturally.  There was no instant bonding with DD, no post birth euphoria, nursing was much harder b/c of my incision and b/c DD was so sleepy, I also had the baby blues after DD but did not with DS.

    What would you do differently next time? I'd take them up on bringing in the mirror. When they told me to reach down and feel my baby and when they offered a mirror I declined.  Moving or changing my focus when the pain was that intense just didn't sound appealing to me but in hindsight I really would love to have the visual of him being born in my mind.
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    How many children do you have? 1 and due with #2

     What type of births did you have? Med free/natural with DD


     For your natural birth(s) answer the following...

    What led you to choose natural birth?  What motivated you?

    -I did not want to risk the drugs to myself or my child.  I did not want to risk the complications associated with epi's, pitocin, etc.

    Did you try any natural induction methods?

    -german cocktail and membrane stripping sent me into labor at 41 weeks

    When did you go into labor?

    -41 weeks

    How did you feel leading up to going into labor? - not sure what you mean by this question...excited?  anxious?

    What time did contractions start?

    6:30 pm

    What time was your child born?

    6:30 am the following morning


    What part of labor and delivery was the most difficult for you?

    -pushing for 2. 5 hours- having her crowning for 2 of those hours.

    Did you use a particular method?  Did it go how you planned?

    -not really...i had read some of hypnobirthing, Ina Mae, and done a lot of reasearch, took a birthing class, etc.  The whole labor was perfect.  The delivery ended up being pretty rough.

    Was there anything you did to prepare or planned to use that you didn't end up using?

    -never used the birthing ball, though we brought it to the hospital.  Ended up not wanting DH to massage me at all.

    Tell us about pushing.

    -ok at first, hell after 2 hours of crowning, completely exhausting to go that long. 

    Did you have any tearing?

    4th plus degree tear due to episiotomy and suction delivery.  DD's shoulder was stuck on my pelvis and Doc wanted to do C-section.  Episiotomy was our last ditch effort to avoid c-section.  It worked, but recovery was hell. 

    How much did DC weigh?

    6 lb, 15 oz

    What do you things do you think contributed the most to your successful natural birth?

    -going in KNOWING i did not want to even be offered any pain meds.  Having a MW, having my mom there to support my decisions and act as my advocate when my own willpower started to slip.

    If you've had a c-section or medicated birth how would you compare them to your natural birth experience?

    What would you do differently next time?

    -NO EPISIOTOMY and no suction. 

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    clynn58clynn58 member

    How many children do you have? 1

     What type of births did you have? induced but went med free

      For your natural birth(s) answer the following...

    What led you to choose natural birth?  I wanted what was best for me and mine What motivated you? I wanted to do it

    Did you try any natural induction methods? I tried the evening primrose oil and some tea

    When did you go into labor? I was induced 

    How did you feel leading up to going into labor? I was not ready

    What time did contractions start? I guess they really started about 10 am

    What time was your child born? 10:29 pm

    What part of labor and delivery was the most difficult for you?The part where the contractions where on top of each other less than 2 minutes apart

    Did you use a particular method?  Did it go how you planned? we used the bradley method. I did not go as planned bc I was induced but I did go med free

    Was there anything you did to prepare or planned to use that you didn't end up using? nope

    Tell us about was the easiest part of it all. I only pushed for about 20 minutes before he was out.

    Did you have any tearing? yes i did but it was small

    How much did DC weigh? 7 .9

    What do you things do you think contributed the most to your successful natural birth? I practiced with dh and he was very helpful

    If you've had a c-section or medicated birth how would you compare them to your natural birth experience? Na

    What would you do differently next time? we will be at home or a birthing center

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    3 children (1 set of twins)
    Natural for both deliveries. The twin delivery was a pitocin/broken water induction. No pain meds for either delivery. Anti-nausea meds for second delivery.

    Had natural births because I believe it is safer and my family has a history of complications with pain/anesthesia type meds and I refused a c-section except under extreme emergency.

    No natural induction method other than breaking water was tried except a hard core clean of my basement. Didn't help.

    Went into labor at 40 weeks 2 days with DD at 5 am. Induced at 38 weeks for twin delivery for safety. I was already having contractions on and off for several days. Thanksgiving was looming and I intended to delivery at a natural friendly hospital ~40 mins away. With a history of fast labor, midwife feared that I and/or all the necessary staff wouldn't make it on site fast enough for a twin delivery. Hospital didn't staff enough people regularly for a twin delivery let alone with a skeleton staff on a holiday, so we went ahead with the induction, though I was pretty conflicted about doing so at the time.

    Emotionally I was a mess before the deliveries but I guess physically I was in pretty good shape. It was much harder with the twins. I was huge. Alot of back pain.

    Delivery 1 - Contractions started 5 am while I was at the beach. Drove home.  Delivered 3 pm.  Went from 1 to 10 cm in less than 3 hours.

    Delivery 2 (twin) - Pitocin started at 4 pm. No real contractions (pain-wise) until they broke my water at 7:30 pm. Delivered just before 11 pm.

    The hardest part of my first delivery was my emotional state and the non-stop vomitting with each contraction. The hosptial was not natural friendly at all. They treated me like crap. I was having a real hard labor. I wasn't checked for 3 hours and went from 1 to 10 in 3 hrs but spent the whole time thinking I wasn't progressing. The second delivery was much easier becuase the environment was so much better. Still that moment of panic during the transition state is hard.

    Took Bradley classes during pregnancy #1, don't feel that I got to use alot of it. Helped tremendously for the twin delivery. I was much calmer and had an easier time. The Doula used both times was just FABULOUS. Couldn't have done it without her. We put my Ipod on and I sang my way through labor.

    I'm not sure I really even pushed. My body took over and did it. Nurses were yelling at me for pushing too early but then they realized my baby was coming and no one was ready for that. Maybe 3 real pushes and DD was born. Watching in the mirror really helped. With the twins. I didn't push at all. The midwife had just checked me and said I was an 8. I was still in labor room and not OR (required for twin delivery). I rolled over to puke and felt the pushing feeling. I screamed bloody murder which made everyone come running becuase I hadn't made a peep before then. Midwife grabbed my leg and before anyone could do anything, Baby A shot out on the bed. Little Canonball! a nurse and the back up OB jumped on me to try to keep baby B from moving (PAINFUL!!!!) Once they could get an ultrasound in to know baby B wasn't breach they let him go and out he came with 1 push.

    I had the same tear with both deliveries. And almost no swelling from the twin delivery becuase there was no pushing. The twin healing was even easier than the single one. Walking was uncomfortable for a week with the first delivery and I up and about right away with the twin delivery (which came in handy when DH's sugar got low and I had to run to the nurses' desk for help).

    DD was 8lbs 11 oz. Twin A was 5 lbs 2 oz and Twin B was 7lb 7 oz.

    Having my doula and having a natural friendly hospital were just amazingly helpful.

    Next time...I'm going right back to my midwife and the natural friendly hospital. No more baby factories for me.

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    I'll play!

    How many children do you have? 1

     What type of births did you have?
     pain-med free, but needed pitocin b/c labor stalled, my water had broken and nothing got contractions going again.


     For your natural birth(s) answer the following...

    What led you to choose natural birth?  What motivated you?
    Frankly, I was afraid of the epi.  Not good with needles at all, and having one in my spine really freaked me out.  But the more I read up about natural birth, the more sense it made.  I heard so many horror stories of epidurals, and it seems like very few really work anyway.  But I've never heard a true horror story about going natural.  It's always "It was painful, but then it was over." and that's how it was.

    Did you try any natural induction methods?
    Not to start off labor, but once my water broke and labor stalled, I tried everything I could (nip stimulation, walking...I forget the rest)  Six hours after my labor stopped I had to go on pitocin

    When did you go into labor?
    4 a.m. on my due date

    How did you feel leading up to going into labor?
    The night before I felt really tired and just yucky

    What time did contractions start?
    4 a.m. on my due date when my water broke, but then they stopped

    What time was your child born?
    10:37 p.m. (yes, 18.5 hours in labor with pitocin and no pain meds. It can be done!)

    What part of labor and delivery was the most difficult for you?
    transition. i was so tired and then it got so rough

    Did you use a particular method?  Did it go how you planned?
    No.  I read a lot, but no particular method.  We had a doula and she was great.

    Was there anything you did to prepare or planned to use that you didn't end up using?
    Pretty much everything.  I didn't want music, sitting on the ball hurt horribly for me, didn't feel like reading or focusing on anything.  I actually ended up spending most of my labor in a rocking chair sleeping.  What helped me was breathing slowly and counting through contractions.

    Tell us about pushing.
    I think I was delusional.  For some reason, it really hurt when they pushed my legs up, so I kept saying to myself "ooh, they're just talking and not watching the monitor, next time I get a contraction, I'm just going to rest through it and give myself a break, they won't even notice."  Needless to say, that's impossible to do.  But once my leg was back it didn't hurt.  Then I remember the doctor was standing in front of me with her hands clasped in front of her saying 'you're doing very well' like she was complementing a kindergartener on her finger painting.  I remember resisting a deep urge to kick her.

    Did you have any tearing?
    Yes.  They told me that it was second-degree tearing, and not bad at all.  When I asked how many stiches she was putting in (it was taking a while) she said "'s not really stiches.  it's more like a seam."

    How much did DC weigh?
    6 lb. 14 oz

    What do you things do you think contributed the most to your successful natural birth?
    staying open to whatever came my way, having a doula who knew a lot more than i could have ever learned - there's no way I would have known to labor in a rocking chair, and she said that in all the years of her being an L&D nurse and a doula, she's only seen four people who are comfortable in a rocking chair during labor.  She knew it would work just by seeing be go through a contraction.  I wouldn't have even known rocking chairs were available.

    If you've had a c-section or medicated birth how would you compare them to your natural birth experience? n/a

    What would you do differently next time?
    maybe a mirror, but I was so freaked out at the time, that I really think seeing him coming out would have scared me too much.

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    How many children do you have? One

     What type of births did you have? Induction; vaginal; no epi


     For your natural birth(s) answer the following... I take "natural" around here to mean no epi so I will answer with that but I was actually induced by amniotomy & then had Pitocin for augmentation.

    What led you to choose natural birth?  What motivated you? It is what our bodies were meant to do and how women have given births for thousands of years... all of these drugs that they use nowadays are usually unnecessary.

    Did you try any natural induction methods? Not really... some raspberry leaf tea... sex to soften the cervix... I don't know if an amniotomy counts because it was a non-medicinal approach to induction.  Obviously, my midwife did that; not me, lol.

    When did you go into labor? September 7, 2009 (41 weeks & 6 days pregnant)

    How did you feel leading up to going into labor? Nervous since I knew I'd probably be induced

    What time did contractions start? About 6:00am

    What time was your child born? 9:39pm

    What part of labor and delivery was the most difficult for you? My midwife having to reach up my vag & push my cervix out of the way while I pushed to get the head past it because it was swelling and I was on Pitocin at that point.

    Did you use a particular method?  Did it go how you planned? Bradley; it worked wonders so yes

    Was there anything you did to prepare or planned to use that you didn't end up using? I don't think I ended up using my fan sprayer, lol; I also didn't have DH go through any of the scripted visualizations that we practiced in class.

    Tell us about pushing.

    Did you have any tearing? Minor one-degree tear

    How much did DC weigh? 8 lbs 5 oz

    What things do you think contributed the most to your successful natural birth? Taking one contraction at a time & not watching the clock

    If you've had a c-section or medicated birth how would you compare them to your natural birth experience? n/a

    What would you do differently next time? I'm thinking about a home birth for the next one... or a birthing center but the closest freestanding birthing center is an hour and a half away.  Hopefully next time I go into labor on my own but that's out of my control!
    My best friend, my husband, my everything
    Matthew Kevin
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    Two beautiful legacies: Noah Matthew (2 yrs) and Chloe Marcella (8 mos)
    Day Three
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    How many children do you have? 1

     What type of births did you have? Natural home birth.

    What led you to choose natural birth?  What motivated you?  I think the medicalization of birth is ridiculous.  Our bodies know what to do.  Why mess with it unless there's a complication?

    Did you try any natural induction methods? No need.

    When did you go into labor? On my due date.

    How did you feel leading up to going into labor? Uncomfortable.  I did not enjoy pregnancy.

    What time did contractions start? 2 a.m. on Tuesday.

    What time was your child born? 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday.

    What part of labor and delivery was the most difficult for you? The horrid back labor which lasted 21 hours.

    Did you use a particular method?  Did it go how you planned? Bradley.  Yes, although I didn't expect it to be as painful as it was.

    Was there anything you did to prepare or planned to use that you didn't end up using? Had a birth pool, barely used it.

    Tell us about pushing.

    Did you have any tearing? 2 small tears, one didn't need any stitches.

    How much did DC weigh? 6lbs7oz

    What do you things do you think contributed the most to your successful natural birth? The fact that it was at home.  I didn't have the option of an epi.

    If you've had a c-section or medicated birth how would you compare them to your natural birth experience?

    What would you do differently next time? I should probably think about this, LOL.

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    How many children do you have? 1

    What type of births did you have? very long natural labor followed by a c/s

    For your natural birth(s) answer the following...

    What led you to choose natural birth? I believe my body is designed to birth babies safely and naturally. I do not believe that birth should be treated as a potential medical disaster. I believe that my baby has the best beginning in life by being born without powerful drugs and that my body is best to know when and how to birth my baby.

    What motivated you? my own recollection of seeing my siblings born, at home. my knowledge of my body, of pregnancy, my desire to give my baby the best start in life.

    Did you try any natural induction methods? Scalia's eggplant parmesan, walking, floor scrubbing, swimming, rolling on a birth ball, nipple stimulation, sex, EPO. would have considered castor oil had i been pregnant another two days (at 41.5, i was backing up against when my midwife would have to transfer me to an OB)

    When did you go into labor? What time did contractions start? 41.3 on a Friday evening, around 6pm

    How did you feel leading up to going into labor? perfectly normal, just tired, sore, a little frustrated, a little anxious. normal end of pregnancy emotions.

    What time was your child born? 41.5 at 1:01pm on Monday (yes, i was in labor for 2+ days, only day 2 was active labor)

    What part of labor and delivery was the most difficult for you? the birth part. the part where i had to decide to leave my home and go to the hospital for a c/s

    Did you use a particular method? Bradley. i felt bradley lacked the intense relaxation techniques that i needed to get me through labor. i studied hypnobirthing for this baby and feel that it is exactly what i needed. i'm very much looking forward to this birth!

    Did it go how you planned? no. the first stage of labor was very long and i spent a lot of energy doing what i thought i was supposed to do...make low gutteral sounds with each contraction. this served only to exhaust me. towards the end, i found my contractions more productive when i just layed there and allowed my body to fully take over. my baby was also posterior, and while i didn't have back labor, there were many MANY signs of posterior labor that my midwife totally missed. i made several decisions (based on her explanation of the pros/cons) that led to a c/s. i didn't know that the pros/cons should have been different since the baby was posterior.

    Was there anything you did to prepare or planned to use that you didn't end up using? music. we made a few CDs but i wanted silence. we used everything else (cold compresses, birth ball, tub, massage, nipple stimulation (both oral and with breast pump), relaxation techniques (just not enough), walking, stair climbing. i ate, drank, slept.

    Tell us about pushing. i pushed for a total of 8 hours. however, i probably only had a dozen or so contractions during that time. i know better than to "push" now, i now know to allow my baby to descend on her own and to assist only by breathing my baby down. i also had a very painful and large varicose vein in my labia and it hurt to bear down b/c it felt like it was going to pop. but i did anyway. my baby only budged when my midwife insert her hand and pressed down on my perineum. i asked her to hold her hand there, b/c i could feel my baby coming down when she did. she wouldn't.

    Did you have any tearing? n/a, surgical birth

    How much did DC weigh? 8lbs 7oz

    What do you things do you think contributed the most to your successful natural birth? n/a, surgical birth. though i have some comments on what contributed most to my unsuccessful natural birth! i did not trust my midwife. my baby was posterior and we didn't know until very late in labor, and missed the opportunity to encourage him to turn over. if i'd had a doula, i hope she would have questioned the midwife (or suggested that i do so) about the methods she was using and why after all these hours, nothing was working to bring my baby down. i later learned that he needed to turn in order to come down further. the midwife should have known that and should have known that breaking my water would be the end of my labor b/c now he couldn't turn.

    f you've had a c-section or medicated birth how would you compare them to your natural birth experience? have only had one birth.

    What would you do differently next time? i will take better care of my body to help encourage my baby to be in the most ideal position for labor. i will have a doula. i will practice relaxation techniques since that's what worked best for me in labor.

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    How many children do you have? 2

     What type of births did you have? 2 natural births, one hospital with OB/GYN on my back pushing, the other in a birth center with a midwife waterbirth


     For your natural birth(s) answer the following...

    What led you to choose natural birth?  What motivated you? I don't like putting crap into my body if I don't have to.  My mom had three natural births (I was actually delivered by Dr. Bradley himself) and I didn't see any reason to put a bunch of crap into my body just for labor and if my mom could do it then there was no reason I couldn't.

    Did you try any natural induction methods?  With my first I was 11 days overdue.  I tried almost everything to get her out to avoid the inevitable induction that would have happened at 42 weeks.  I tried some things to help DD2 come (she came on her due date).  I tried walking, pineapple, sex, eggplant, nipple stimulation, EPO, membrane stripping, cinnamon stick tea, scrubbing the floors, everything.  You know what worked?  The baby being ready to come out!  Stick out tongue

    When did you go into labor? With my first I went into labor almost immediately after having my membranes stripped.  I was 11 days overdue.  It was around 11am.  With my second I went into labor in the middle of the night around 4am. 

    How did you feel leading up to going into labor? I felt awesome the day before I had DD2.  Way better than I had been feeling.  I can't remember with DD1, probably getting stressed because they were pressuring me to induce.

    What time did contractions start? DD1, contrax started around 11am, DD2, contrax started around 4am.

    What time was your child born? DD1 was born at 3:16pm, DD2 was born at 6:36am

    What part of labor and delivery was the most difficult for you? With DD1, being forced to lay in the hospital bed was by far the most difficult thing for me (followed closely by riding in the car to the hopsital in transition).  With DD2 the hardest part was pushing probably, but really labor and delivery with her was sooo much easier. 

    Did you use a particular method?  Did it go how you planned? I didn't use any particular method.  I used the "I'm stubborn, I know I can do this, I'm not afraid of this, no one talk to me or touch me" method.

    Was there anything you did to prepare or planned to use that you didn't end up using?  I had all these ideas about things that I would used in labor like the birth ball, counter pressure, etc.  Didn't use any of them.  I just totally listened to my body and did what it wanted. 

    Tell us about pushing. Pushing with DD1 wasn't bad at all.  I was pushing on my back with my feet in the air even though my body wanted to push on all fours.  I pushed a couple of times, the OB broke my water, baby flew out like a water cannon.  Pushing with DD2 was different.  I was pushing in the birth tub and gripping DH's hands.  I could feel her head for what seemed like ever and that hurt, then my water broke on it's own and a lot of the pressure subsided.  Then a few more pushes and she was out. 

    Did you have any tearing?  With DD1 I had a third degree tear and considerable internal tearing.  With DD2 I had a "skid mark" that didn't need stitches. 

    How much did DC weigh?  DD1 was 6 pounds 11 ounces.  DD2 was 7 pounds 4.5 ounces. 

    What do you things do you think contributed the most to your successful natural birth?  My crazy stubborn nature.  My quick (but way intense from the start) labors. 

    If you've had a c-section or medicated birth how would you compare them to your natural birth experience? 

    What would you do differently next time? I already did it differntly the next time.  I chose not to deliver DD2 in a hospital or with an OB.  Luckily there was a birth center that had opened up because otherwise DD2 would have been born at home (but DH isn't too sure of homebirth).  I will never give birth in a hospital again.  You can read my first birth story in my bio if you want, that pretty much sums up why I wouldn't do it again. 

    Mama to Lucy (7/06), Lexi (5/09), and Max (11/11) M/C 12/17/10
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    I have two kids.  A 16 yo daughter and 2 yo son.  Both were unmedicated, vaginal births. 

    Inititally, I chose no medication because the thought of someone going near my spine with that giant needle scared the bejeezus out of me.  Then when I did the research and read more about epidurals/spinals, I just felt that it was the right decision for me and the baby.

    With my daughter, I woke up in the middle of the night with my water leaking.  They broke my water at the hosptial and I labored for 3-4 hours before she was born.  She was 6lbs,9oz.  I did have an episiotomy that required a few stitches. 

    With Ben, I had my membranes stripped at my 40w,2d appt and the next morning, woke up having contractions.  I probably waited too long to go to the hospital.  We got to L&D at 12:30pm and he was born 2 hours later at 2:29pm.  He was 7lbs,11oz.  I had a very slight tear with him, but my midwife said it didn't need any stitches. 

    Honestly, the only things that I would have do differently is told my Ob not to cut me and let me tear (since a tear heals better) and I would have not waited so long to go to the hospital when I was in labor with Ben.

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    SeaSoulSeaSoul member

    How many children do you have?


    What type of births did you have?

    Natural birth w/ midwife in hospital birthing center

    What led you to choose natural birth?  What motivated you?

    Knowing that our bodies are designed to birth babies, and doing so naturally it is the safest method for both mom & baby.  Also, the idea of epidurals freaks me out!

    Did you try any natural induction methods?


    When did you go into labor?

    39w 3d

    How did you feel leading up to going into labor?

    Fine...lots of BH contrax (but that had been the case for weeks).

    What time did contractions start?

    Timeable contrax at midnight.  Water broke at 2:15AM.

    What time was your child born?

    10:29pm  (22 1/2 hours later)

    What part of labor and delivery was the most difficult for you?

    The last cm (I was stuck at 9cm for 2 1/2 hours)

    Did you use a particular method?  Did it go how you planned?

    No particular method.

    Was there anything you did to prepare or planned to use that you didn't end up using?


    Tell us about pushing.

    Once I finally got the right signals from my body (took a while!) and DS was low enough, it felt natural & great.  Up until that point, it was very difficult.

    Did you have any tearing?

    2nd degree perineal tear and a small labial tear.

    How much did DC weigh?

    7lb 2.5oz

    What do you things do you think contributed the most to your successful natural birth?

    Working with midwives at a natural-birth friendly hospital.  Refusing hep lock.  Knowing that no one was even going to mention drugs.  Mainly, having faith in my body and knowing that it was pain with a purpose and it would all be over in a matter of time.

    If you've had a c-section or medicated birth how would you compare them to your natural birth experience?


    What would you do differently next time?

    Hire a doula.

    Childhood cancer (DH) + chemo + radiation = 0 sperm.
    LO #1 - 1 unmedicated/self-monitored IUI w/ donor sperm.
    LO #2 - 1 m/c, 2 BFNs, 4th IUI worked (unmedicated/self-monitored with new donor sperm).
    Life is beautiful!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    CTri17CTri17 member
    first  of all JellyMama your little Lizzie is adorable, DD has read hair and I pray it looks like that!


    How many children do you have? 1

     What type of births did you have? homebirth, labored in water, gave birth on land because DD had a few decels


     For your natural birth(s) answer the following...

    What led you to choose natural birth? After the research I did when my friend was planning a homebirth I decided it was for me What motivated you? mostly all the un needed c-sections in our country and not letting people labor in different positions/without being hooked up to IVs

    Did you try any natural induction methods? besides sex and rolling my hips on the birth ball and walking nope

    When did you go into labor? on my due date, she was prompt

    How did you feel leading up to going into labor? I felt fine, I had some pre-labor a week before, other than that I felt normal

    What time did contractions start? the small ones started at 7:30 am I called DH at 10:30 because they were starting to get stronger

    What time was your child born?2:15 pm

    What part of labor and delivery was the most difficult for you? I had pretty bad back labor (and she was not posterior) so before DH was home to apply counterpressure and the contrax were strong that was fairly hard

    Did you use a particular method?   Bradley with no classes Did it go how you planned?yes it went very well

    Was there anything you did to prepare or planned to use that you didn't end up using? no I don't think so

    Tell us about pushing.-Pushing was much better than laboring, I could feel her moving down so I knew it was moving along. It was helpful that my MW had me reach up to feel her head so that I could direct my pushing for the most decent each time

    Did you have any tearing? a very small internal tear that did not need stitches

    How much did DC weigh?8lbs 4 oz way more than we expected

    What do you things do you think contributed the most to your successful natural birth?my husband was a champ, I got in  MY ZONE and I was at home, it's hard not to have a natural birth there(unless you transfer to the hospital)

    If you've had a c-section or medicated birth how would you compare them to your natural birth experience?

    What would you do differently next time? not much, it went well , I pray that next time DC doesn't have shoulder dystocia, that was that worst part of the birth.

    ~Christina S~ EST: 9/27/08        *May 2015 Jan. Signature Challenge-
                                                     You had one job- Parents magazine

    BFP-3/17/14 --M/C 4/25/14

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    How many children do you have?


     What type of births did you have?

     Natural, no pain meds, no induction

     For your natural birth(s) answer the following...

    What led you to choose natural birth?  What motivated you?

    I just wanted to see if I could do it

    Did you try any natural induction methods?

    We had sex but DD was born at 37 weeks 6 days so I was not trying to start labor.

    When did you go into labor?

    I woke up on the couch because I heard a ?pop? at 3:30am.  I stood up and my water gushed our everywhere like in the movies! I ran down the hallway to get DH and my sweatpant legs were full of water.  We headed to the hospital at 3:50am.  I was on the bed at 4:15am and when they checked me I was 5cm.

    How did you feel leading up to going into labor?

    It was all just happening so fast, I just felt in pain.

    What time did contractions start?

    3:30am when I woke up (I must have been sleeping though the other ones)

    What time was your child born?


    What part of labor and delivery was the most difficult for you?

    Transition.  It was super painful!  I was thrashing around.  (Mind you I went from a 5 to a 10 in an hour).

    Did you use a particular method?  Did it go how you planned?

    I used the ?let?s see what happens? method.  I researched no method and took no classes.

    Was there anything you did to prepare or planned to use that you didn't end up using?

    I thought I might use a ball but I stayed in bed.

    Tell us about pushing.

    I pushed twice and she came out.  It felt sooo good to push after the contractions.

    Did you have any tearing?

    3rd degree tear and one anal fissure (although I did not poop on the table)

    How much did DC weigh?

    6 10

    What do you things do you think contributed the most to your successful natural birth?

    My pain tolerance and the fact that I was exercising the day before DD was born so my legs were really strong since I worked out my entire pregnancy.

    If you've had a c-section or medicated birth how would you compare them to your natural birth experience?

    I hope I never have a c-section.

    What would you do differently next time?

    Nothing, I hope it goes just as fast.  Elle was born in 2 hours- I hope the next one is too.

    MY BLOG image Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    flyer23flyer23 member

    How many children do you have? Two

     What type of births did you have? Both natural. DD in a hospital, DS at home.

     For your natural birth(s) answer the following...

    What led you to choose natural birth?  What motivated you? Honestly? I'm just always up for a challenge Smile And the idea of minimizing interventions made a lot of sense to me, too. Also, my mom had a natural birth with me and I remember her making a few comments about how great it was when I was younger -- for some reason, those comments stuck with me!

    Did you try any natural induction methods? With DD, yes. She was born two weeks late (via induction), so I tried just about everything. With DS, no.

    When did you go into labor? DD - induction started at 41w5d. DS - early labor signs started at 39w4d.

    How did you feel leading up to going into labor? With both, pretty normal. Just anxious for their arrivals, of course!

    What time did contractions start? With both, contractions started in the wee hours of the morning. I was 41w6d for DD (after a few hours on Cervidil), 39w5d for DS.

    What time was your child born? DD - 9:30 PM. DS - 1:30 PM.

    What part of labor and delivery was the most difficult for you? DD - The fact that it just did.not.stop. I kept begging them to take me off the Pitocin, because I felt like if I could just get a little break, I'd be fine.

    DS - I don't remember any part being really difficult. I guess pushing was the hardest part, but that was more uncomfortable, not difficult.

    Did you use a particular method?  Did it go how you planned? DD - Bradley. It didn't really go as I planned... I started off lying on my left side breathing deeply like I'd practiced, and quickly realized that lying down did NOT work for me AT ALL. But I do think that all the relaxation practice that I did ultimately came in handy, even if I didn't do it *exactly* how I practiced.

    DS - Hypnobabies. Yep, it went pretty much how I planned.

    Was there anything you did to prepare or planned to use that you didn't end up using? With DD, not really. With DS, his birth was so easy that I didn't need a whole lot -- I did a little sitting on the birth ball, a little massage, etc., but certainly not as much as I did with DD.

    Tell us about pushing. DD - it felt great! My favorite part of labor. DS - it didn't feel as good, but it was exciting knowing I was so close to meeting my baby.

    Did you have any tearing? DD - third degree tear. DS - small tear, not sure what degree.

    How much did DC weigh? DD - 9 lbs 7 oz. DS - 8 lbs 11 oz.

    What do you things do you think contributed the most to your successful natural birth? My doulas. (We moved out of state after DD was born, so we had a different doula with DS.) Also, preparation. I look at natural birth like running a marathon... I would never show up to the start line of a marathon without training at all, and similarly, I'd never want to go into labor without preparing at all.

    If you've had a c-section or medicated birth how would you compare them to your natural birth experience? n/a

    What would you do differently next time? Very little... DS's birth was just about perfect. A few things I might change: I might want the kids present for the moment of birth (DD was in the next room when DS was born, I could've had her brought in but I didn't) and I won't push so freakin' hard! I think that's why I've torn both times.

    Mommy to DD1 (June 2007), DS (January 2010), DD2 (July 2012), and The Next One (EDD 3/31/2015)

  • Options

    I know a lot of us have posted our birth stories but thought it might be fun to see all of our stats and helpful for those preparing for their first natural birth..


    How many children do you have? One

     What type of births did you have? Planned for a natural home waterbirth, but ended with an emergency c/s because he was breech

      For your natural birth(s) answer the following...

    What led you to choose natural birth?  What motivated you?

    My friend Mary, had a lot to do with it. She is a doula, and I helped her get the word out about doulas in our town. She taught me a lot. I stayed motivated by getting support, and studying.

    Did you try any natural induction methods?


    When did you go into labor?

    On the day before my "ovulation due date" (as I like to call it: exactly 38 weeks after I ovulated, vs. 40 weeks after LMP) December 19, but I delivered on the 20th.

    How did you feel leading up to going into labor?

    Calm and excited at the same time!

    What time did contractions start?

    about 5pm is when I started having cramping. They started getting regular and stronger at about 4am.

    What time was your child born?


    What part of labor and delivery was the most difficult for you?

    Because I had the c/s, and a stupid anesthesiologist, I was put under. I was awake for the entire birth, heard him cry, and then they knocked me out to sew me up. I don't remember seeing him for the first time.

    Did you use a particular method?  Did it go how you planned?

    Mostly the Bradley Method. It worked well until the obvious.

    Was there anything you did to prepare or planned to use that you didn't end up using?

    Well...I technically used everything...but you know...the tub, the water, the midwife...not exactly used as I had intended.

    Tell us about pushing.

    Wouldn't know a thing about it from personal experience.

    Did you have any tearing?

    I had an incision!

    How much did DC weigh?

    9 lbs 1 oz

    What do you things do you think contributed the most to your successful natural birth?


    If you've had a c-section or medicated birth how would you compare them to your natural birth experience?

    I hope to someday!

    What would you do differently next time?

    I would have more than an ultrasound at 20 weeks, and opt for one closer to the due date to be sure s/he's not breech!

  • Options

    How many children do you have? 1

    What type of births did you have? Natural, in a very natural friendly hospital with an amazing OB and nursing staff.

    For your natural birth(s) answer the following...

    What led you to choose natural birth? I have always wanted an unmedicated birth, my mom had all 5 of us with no pain meds.  I have always had a high pain tolerance and been very stubborn so once I decided to go med free there was no second guessing myself.   What motivated you?  Knowing that my body was meant to give birth and learning all of the downsides to pain medication and medical intervention.

    Did you try any natural induction methods? Not on purpose.  My husband and I moved during my 39th week and it put me into labor.

    When did you go into labor? 39 weeks

    How did you feel leading up to going into labor? Great until the last few weeks, then very swollen and tired.

    What time did contractions start? I had BH through my entire pregnancy, occasional contractions 10 min apart for the last week and then real contractions around 4pm Friday.

    What time was your child born? 3am Saturday

    What part of labor and delivery was the most difficult for you? The 20 minutes of monitoring when I got to the hospital.  I said if this is what it is going to be like then give me the drugs now.  I was thrashing around in so much pain.  After that it was rough but nothing compared to being strapped down.

    Did you use a particular method?  Bradley Did it go how you planned?  Not really, I labored at home for the first 5 hours and used the side laying position and my yoga ball.  At the hospital nothing felt good except standing/swaying and sitting on the toilet.  But I never would have known my different laboring options without the class.

    Was there anything you did to prepare or planned to use that you didn't end up using? We did not use any of the relaxation techniques (colors, happy place, etc) but we didn't think we were going to.

    Tell us about pushing.  LO was posterior and we didn't know until the day I went into labor.  My back labor was awful.  The nurse was able to flip him while I was pushing.  I pushed for 2.5 hours (squatting), I felt like I had made no progress even though the nurse and DH were telling me otherwise.  The dr came in and told me that they were going to have to break my water.  Up to that point I was against it but I told them to do what they had to to get him out.  I pushed for less than 5 minutes before DS came.  Afterward they told me my bag of waters was so strong I never would have pushed LO out with it intact.

    Did you have any tearing? Pretty major internal tearing, no external tearing.  The dr said it is just how my anatomy is and there was no way of preventing it.  My recovery is taking longer than if I had torn externally.

    How much did DC weigh? 7lbs 9oz

    What do you things do you think contributed the most to your successful natural birth? Being educated, we did a lot of research in addition to our Bradley class.  We were also very dedicated to doing what was best for our child.  There was no we hope to do it naturally but we will see when the time comes.  The only way I was letting them give me drugs was if they were going to have to cut him out of me and I was doing everything I could to keep that from happening.

    If you've had a c-section or medicated birth how would you compare them to your natural birth experience?

    What would you do differently next time? Not have a posterior baby, but that was not really in my control.  He had been the right way until I went into labor.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    I know a lot of us have posted our birth stories but thought it might be fun to see all of our stats and helpful for those preparing for their first natural birth..


    How many children do you have? 


     What type of births did you have?

     natural waterbirth at home

     For your natural birth(s) answer the following...

    What led you to choose natural birth?  What motivated you?

    Statistically safer for the mother and child.  Our bodies are designed to do this. 

    Did you try any natural induction methods?

    Yep- all of them including spicy food, walking, castor oil, sex, blue and black cohosh (under the supervision of my MW).  None of them worked.  Lily came when she was ready.

    When did you go into labor?

    42 weeks and 5 days 

    How did you feel leading up to going into labor? 

    The same as the weeks before- huge, uncomfortable and like it would never end.  LOL

    What time did contractions start?

    5 minutes after my water broke- I went directly into active labor w/ contractions at 5 minutes apart.  

    What time was your child born?  

    8 pm at night 

    What part of labor and delivery was the most difficult for you?

    Back labor and a long labor 

    Did you use a particular method?  Did it go how you planned?


    Was there anything you did to prepare or planned to use that you didn't end up using?

    I made this huge mix of music and found that it just annoyed me.  

    Tell us about pushing.

    I pushed for about 3 1/2 hours.  I probably could have gone slower, but after 40 hours of labor I was super motivated to get her out! 

    Did you have any tearing?

    Yep- 3rd degree.  

    How much did DC weigh?

    9 lbs 15 oz  

    What do you things do you think contributed the most to your successful natural birth?

    Having her at home.  I would have most definitely ended up with a unnecessary c-section at a hospital for a variety of reasons- going past 42 weeks, Lily was posterior, my water was broken for more than 24 hours, Lily was "big", etc. 

    If you've had a c-section or medicated birth how would you compare them to your natural birth experience?

    What would you do differently next time?

    I would not tell anyone my EDD- just the month. and I would skip all of the natural induction methods and have faith that my body and baby know what is right.   

    Also, I will make sure to sit with my knees below my hips as much as possible for the last trimester to try and prevent the baby from being posterior- one of the reasons my labor was so long (we waited for her to turn)...and back labor sucks. 

    Lilypie - (ZESJ)Lilypie - (QAi1)

  • Options

    How many children do you have? 1

     What type of births did you have? Unmedicated vaginal delivery in a hospital with an OB


     For your natural birth(s) answer the following...

    What led you to choose natural birth?  What motivated you? I did not really "choose" natural birth. I was at 4cm when we got to the hospital and 2 hours later was at a 9 with no time for an epi. Nurse offered me Stadol but I refused since I wasn't feeling all that horrible and was so close to the end.

    Did you try any natural induction methods? Spicy foods, tons of walking, sex

    When did you go into labor? I was 40 weeks, 6 days when I went into labor and headed to the hospital

    How did you feel leading up to going into labor? I felt great. I worked up until the day before I went into labor.

    What time did contractions start? I don't remember the exact time. I had been having very mild ones for most of the day but really started timing them at about 7pm. Checked into the hospital at midnight.

    What time was your child born?  4:19am.

    What part of labor and delivery was the most difficult for you? Delivering the placenta was absolute torture for me. Also, when I was pushing the time between contractions when I wasn't able to push hurt like hell.

    Did you use a particular method?  Did it go how you planned?  Didn't use a particular method.

    Was there anything you did to prepare or planned to use that you didn't end up using?  No

    Tell us about pushing.

    Did you have any tearing? Yes. I had a 2nd degree tear.  

    How much did DC weigh?  8lbs 13oz

    What do you things do you think contributed the most to your successful natural birth? I'm terrified of needles and was really dreading getting the epi in the first place. lol  I was allowed to stand up and move around if I wanted to and found that leaning over the little table and swaying felt amazing. My husband was also amazing and did whatever I needed him to do to make me feel better.

    If you've had a c-section or medicated birth how would you compare them to your natural birth experience? N/A

    What would you do differently next time? I am going to a midwife this time and am considering having a waterbirth. I don't want to be hooked up to the monitors all the time but don't mind using them to check baby's stats. I want to go in a little more prepared for a natural birth this time.

    IMG_5889 Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers
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    How many children do you have? 1

     What type of births did you have? pitocin/pain med free


     For your natural birth(s) answer the following...

    What led you to choose natural birth?  What motivated you? I just wanted my body to do what is naturally supposed to do.

    Did you try any natural induction methods? No, my water broke 2 days before my due date.

    When did you go into labor? Aug 7, 2009 645pm

    How did you feel leading up to going into labor? Excited, ready to meet my baby.  I actually wanted to feel this awful pain everyone referred to as the "worst pain of you life" so I could just know what it felt like already.

    What time did contractions start?mild contractions after my water broke, I was only at 1cm @ 530am the next morning.  I got pitocin then, contractions started rolling in heavy 25min after that.  I got checked again at 9am was a 4.  Literally not even a full min later I was a ten and DD was crowning.  I felt like my body was being ripped apart for the min and after.

    What time was your child born? 914am

    What part of labor and delivery was the most difficult for you?  Being nauseous, I was throwing up until I got a zofran drip.   Not being able to push.  I progressed so quickly, my doctor was in another delivery and I had to wait for what seemed like eternity.  I labored the entire time on the birthing ball. (I had back labor 100%)  When I got checked I had to get on the bed, OUCH! and stay there until my LO was born.  I was shaking trying not push, as my nurse frantically shouted I do not want to deliver this baby over and over.  Very comforting for a first time mom LOL

    Did you use a particular method?  Did it go how you planned? I just knew I wanted to do it w/ no pain meds.  No additional planning or method, just mental focus.

    Was there anything you did to prepare or planned to use that you didn't end up using? It's easy to say this way.  The only thing that was used in L&D was my pillows and that was for my husband lol.  Oh, I used my socks.  I was hot, my feet were cold.

    Tell us about pushing.  I pushed for 1 and half contractions which equaled 2 pushes.  I pushed once:end of contraction.  The nurse says next time I think you could have her.  That's all I needed to hear.  Next contraction push, doc said stop pushing(cord was around her neck) finished my push and there she was!  My mom actually took a picture of me in between pushing contractions and I look like I was sleeping.  I was so mentally focused and blocked out all of the pain.

    Did you have any tearing? Nope, not one little bit.

    How much did DC weigh? 6.13lbs

    What do you things do you think contributed the most to your successful natural birth?My supportive husband, I thought he would irritate me honestly, but he was assume reminding me to breathe steadily.  Which you will forget to do, he talked to me calmly w/ our foreheads touching.  My mom was also in the room, just having her there made me feel stronger.  My step dad was also in the room while I labored, I wanted to seem tough as silly as that sounds, but hey it worked!

    If you've had a c-section or medicated birth how would you compare them to your natural birth experience?

    What would you do differently next time? Absolutely nothing, I hope my next birth goes exactly the same.
  • Options

    How many children do you have? 1

     What type of births did you have?  Natural


     For your natural birth(s) answer the following...

    What led you to choose natural birth?  What motivated you?  Natural births are healthier and safer for women and babies.

    Did you try any natural induction methods?  Nope

    When did you go into labor?  39 wks exactly

    How did you feel leading up to going into labor?  Nothing out of the ordinary.

    What time did contractions start?  very mild at 4am, stronger at about 7am.

    What time was your child born?  10:54am

    What part of labor and delivery was the most difficult for you?  The car ride to the birth center.  Road bumps = ouch!

    Did you use a particular method?  Did it go how you planned?  I forgot ALL of my relaxation techniques!  DH was no help.  The labor went so fast that DS was almost born in the car and my doula barely made it.

    Was there anything you did to prepare or planned to use that you didn't end up using?  Relaxation techniques, lol.  Just plum forgot.

    Tell us about pushing.  Soooo Satisfying

    Did you have any tearing?  Yup.  2nd degree.

    How much did DC weigh?  7lbs 1oz

    What do you things do you think contributed the most to your successful natural birth?  Supportive attendants (midwife & doula), supportive husband and family.  I just never considered an epidural an option.  I knew I could do it.  It's what my body was meant to do.

    If you've had a c-section or medicated birth how would you compare them to your natural birth experience? n/a

    What would you do differently next time?  Call my doula immediately.  She was an angel from heaven and I wish I'd had her with me the whole time.

    DS born February 2009 * DD born September 2011
  • Options

    I know a lot of us have posted our birth stories but thought it might be fun to see all of our stats and helpful for those preparing for their first natural birth..


    How many children do you have?


     What type of births did you have?

    med-free labor, c/s delivery


     For your natural birth(s) answer the following...

    What led you to choose natural birth?  What motivated you?

    Knowing that it was what was natural and that my body could do it and was made to do it

    Did you try any natural induction methods?

    Cotton root tincture, breast pump, spicy food, sex, EPO (the last two as prep, not induction)

    When did you go into labor?

    two days after my due date (had high BP, my midwives didn't want me to deliver late and lose my chance at a natural birth)

    How did you feel leading up to going into labor?

    anxious about the BP, but ready to go

    What time did contractions start?

    1am saturday morning

    What time was your child born?

    10:16am Sunday morning

    What part of labor and delivery was the most difficult for you?

    having to leave my birth center and go to the hospital

    Did you use a particular method?  Did it go how you planned?

    Hypnobirthing - yeah, that was not working for me at all.  I was relaxed between contractions, but screamed like blood hell during them (back labor).  Oh, and I sorta wanted a water birth, but water made my contractions way worse.  

    Was there anything you did to prepare or planned to use that you didn't end up using?

    hypnobirthing, wanting to be in the water, music, candles, food - used none of it

    Tell us about pushing.

    Is not a good thing when you are still 7cm.......I couldn't help it, I got a cervical lip, and pushed for 6hrs with my midwives trying to hold the lip out of the way......big fail

    Did you have any tearing?


    How much did DC weigh?

    7lbs 4.1oz

    What do you things do you think contributed the most to your successful natural birth?

    If you've had a c-section or medicated birth how would you compare them to your natural birth experience?


    What would you do differently next time?

    Well, legally I am going to have to have a hospital birth b/c licensed midwives cannot attend VBACs.  So I am going to try to go med-free VBAC and use a doula.  No home birth/water birth/birth center birth for me :(


  • Options

    How many children do you have? 2

    What type of births did you have? Natural both times

    For your natural birth(s) answer the following...

    What led you to choose natural birth?  What motivated you? With my first, I had worked in a hospital as a physical therapist and had seen and heard horrible things about epidurals.  I knew my recovery would be quicker and that I wouldn't be stuck in bed with a catheter.  And I knew from research that it wasn't something I desperately wanted, but stayed open to if need be.  I set my mind on it and that worked.  With my second, I knew what I had done with #1 and I knew that I could handle it for #2.  It was almost a personal challenge and one I knew I was up for.  I think it was a mental thing too.

    Did you try any natural induction methods? Sex, clitoral stimulation only for #2, nothing for #1

    When did you go into labor? #1: 4am, #2: 6am

    How did you feel leading up to going into labor? Fine

    What time did contractions start? #1: immediately intense contractions without much break, #2: slowly and they were 2-5 minutes apart within 4 hours (I tried to tell my body to slow down since when I woke with contractions, DS#1 woke up croupy and I wanted to get him to the doctors)

    What time was your child born? #1: 8:31am (4.5 hours) #2: 4:51pm, so much longer

    What part of labor and delivery was the most difficult for you? #1: That I didn't expect my labor to hit so hard, so fast and I felt unprepared for that, I labored on the toilet for awhile while my body flushed itself out which wasn't what I expected; #2: NOt sure

    Did you use a particular method?  Did it go how you planned? #1: Took hypnobirth classes and didn't practice enough, so it wasn't completely effective, but it was amazing during pushing.  I was so in touch with my body that I could feel exactly where he was and knew how to push him out.  I had no pain at that time.  #2: Winged it

    Was there anything you did to prepare or planned to use that you didn't end up using? I don't think I practiced enough with the hypnobirth because I kept falling asleep when I practiced.  And labor hit so hard and fast with #1, that I couldn't see trying the tape or the visualizations.

    Tell us about pushing. #1: Pushed maybe 10 mins, about 8 times total, I was on all 4's and felt him move an inch out and then 1/2 inch in.  I asked my OB about it and she said that was how it worked, so I got really determined, talked to my body and the baby and got him out super fast.      #2: Pushed less minutes and less times... in fact, after I felt his head come out, I stopped to take a breath and I guarantee that my body pushed out the rest by itself... on all 4's once again.

    Did you have any tearing? #1: one internal stitch, #2 NADA

    How much did DC weigh? #1: 6lb 12oz, #2: 7lb, 5 oz

    What do you things do you think contributed the most to your successful natural birth?  mindset

    If you've had a c-section or medicated birth how would you compare them to your natural birth experience? N/A

    What would you do differently next time?There will be no next time! I'm done.  I felt that I accomplished everything I set out  to do birthwise and family size too, so that is it.
    Jill * Married to Steven 11/9/03 * DS Samuel 4/4/05* DS #2 Jeffrey 6/13/2009
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    How many children do you have? 2

     What type of births did you have? Induced with pitocin both times. No other drugs or medical interventions.


     For your natural birth(s) answer the following...

    What led you to choose natural birth?  What motivated you? I consider both births natural even though pitocin was used to get things started. What motivated me was avoiding additional risks of certain medical interventions.

    Did you try any natural induction methods? Yep. Sex, nipple stimulation, EPO, RRLT...

    When did you go into labor? After pitocin was started :)

    How did you feel leading up to going into labor? I had pre-e the first time around so I didn't feel well at all. I lost my MP both times about a week before being induced.

    What time did contractions start? With #1, pit was started at 9pm and I was having mild contractions by 10pm. With #2, pit was started at 7am and was having mild contractions around 8am.

    What time was your child born? #1 was born at 4:57am (about 8 hours after pit was started and about 5 hours after regular contractions were established). #2 was born at 11:15am (about 4 hours after pit was started and about 2 hours after regular contractions were established).

    What part of labor and delivery was the most difficult for you? With #1, transition was the hardest. With #2, avoiding pushing for 20 minutes was the hardest, followed by pushing :)

    Did you use a particular method?  Did it go how you planned? No particular method. I was not set on a natural birth from the beginning but was hoping that I would be able to avoid as much medical intervention as possible while still keeping me and baby safe.

    Was there anything you did to prepare or planned to use that you didn't end up using? I read up on the labor process. I wanted to have a good understanding of how the body works and what will happen. I focused on staying really relaxed during labor and allowing my body to do its job.

    Tell us about pushing. In my experience, if you push when your body wants to push, you will be much more effective and it will require less effort. With #1, the doctor had not arrived and the nurse was telling me not to push. My mom (who acted as my doula) told me to listen to my body so I pushed anyway. My pushing was very effective and actually felt relieving. With #2, I again was told not to push as the doctor was not there. This time, I resisted the urge and waited. Then, once the doctor arrived she wanted me to push and I had since lost the urge to push. Because baby was showing signs of distress, I pushed anyway and it was MUCH harder and felt more uncomfortable (though not nearly as bad as avoiding pushing... that was hard!)

    Did you have any tearing? Yep, both times. 3rd degree with #1 and I think 2nd degree with #2. Healing was much easier the second time around though.

    How much did DC weigh? #1 was 7lbs 7oz and #2 was 8lbs 1oz

    What do you things do you think contributed the most to your successful natural birth? My support people (DH and mom who is an L&D nurse and acted as my doula), understanding the process and staying very relaxed.

    If you've had a c-section or medicated birth how would you compare them to your natural birth experience? The only drug I got was pitocin. I recommend avoiding it ;)

    What would you do differently next time? Both of my labors were great. Being induced was a very hard decision both times. However, when the risks to waiting outweigh the risks of pitocin induction, you gotta do what you gotta do. The only thing I would do differently is with my most recent L&D. I would not wait for the doctor to arrive, I would just push when my body was telling me to push. I was hoping I could avoid tearing by having a slower delivery, but since that didn't work anyway, next time I would just listen to my body.

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    How many children do you have? 1

     What type of births did you have? natural in hospital- very minimal amout of pitocin used

     For your natural birth(s) answer the following...

    What led you to choose natural birth?  What motivated you? My mom (a doula) had natural births for all NINE of us. Three were home births. I would have had a home birth if DH would have let me.

    Did you try any natural induction methods? yes, once labor had already begun. Mostly nipple stimulation

    When did you go into labor? My water broke at midnight on a thursday. Early labor contractions didn't begin until early Friday morning.

    How did you feel leading up to going into labor? HUGE. But otherwise fine. Water broke 16 days early, so I wasn't in a rush.

    What time did contractions start? 4am 2/12/2010

    What time was your child born? 12:30p, 2/14/2010

    What part of labor and delivery was the most difficult for you? The long labor. DD's head was transverse which caused long labor (she couldn't get fully engaged). To push her along Drs insisted I have pitocin. They put if on a higher dosage than I agreed to which put me into a 20 minute contraction. The contraction fluctuated, but never stopped completely. I asked to be taken back off of pitocin. Also when I finally dialated to a 8 1/2 dr had to manually rotate DD's head during a contraction as I pushed as hard as possible. Worst pain of my life. Worse than contractions or delivery.

    Did you use a particular method?  Did it go how you planned? I used whatever worked at the time. My doulas (my mother and her business partner) helped me use walking, birthing ball, positions, hot/cold compresses, breathing and more. We had lots of time to do a lot of different things. Variation helped me.

    Was there anything you did to prepare or planned to use that you didn't end up using? Not really.

    Tell us about pushing. What a relief to finally push! As I told my doula, by the time it "was time", it wasn't an urge for me, it was an action. I had no other choice. My body pushed for me, I just emphasized it.

    Did you have any tearing? yes

    How much did DC weigh? 8 lbs. 4oz.

    What do you things do you think contributed the most to your successful natural birth? My doula (ironically, not my mom, the other one.)

    If you've had a c-section or medicated birth how would you compare them to your natural birth experience? n/a

    What would you do differently next time? nothing. :)

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