LGBT Parenting

So it looks like it's going to be SUGAR AND SPICE AND EVERYTHING NICE!! :)

So the big anatomy u/s isn't scheduled until July 2....and that seemed SO far away. And even though I seem to be having u/s every 2 partner and I opted to go to a 3d/4d place and have a gender peek yesterday. (I am 14 weeks today.)


Anyhow....they were 90% positive...IT'S A GIRL!!! :) They said I could come back in two weeks (no charge!) to have another to make that confirmation more 99%.


We have really been wanting a girl...and I've been feeling girl all along (okay, I admit it, at babie r us last weekend they were having a GREAT sale and I bought some girl stuff). After the u/s yesterday, we went out and did a little more shopping. We're just so excited. Would be happy with a boy, too...but really were hoping for a girl. 


I think it all seems a little more real now. I haven't had much in the way of morning sickness...and being that I'm overweight (though I did lose 70lbs prior to conceiving), I'm nowhere near showing. So every two weeks when I get to see the little Poppy Seed, it is SO exciting.


Anyhow, just wanted to share!

Hope everyone is having a great day.



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