Miscarriage/Pregnancy Loss


I hate statistics with a passion.  After my first m/c the docs did the "well 20% of pregnancies end in m/c"..."but the good news is you have an 80% chance of having a healthy pregnancy next time". Idiot. That's the same statistic....if m/c's are so common 20% of pg's end in one (and of course they say "and 20% is a lot if you think about it") then I still have a 20% change of having a m/c a second time....

and what do you know, I did! Oh but 2 m/c's are NORMAL (they sure don't feel normal when everyone around me can have healthy babies quite easily, even by accident)...."you still have an 80% change of having a healhty p/g next time! We don't start getting concerned until your 3rd"...so basically I have to sit back, have some sex, make another precious baby only to let it die, again, and then they'll be concerned....

(sorry vent day)

Re: statistics

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    Statistics do suck.  I'm so sorry for your losses.  I know it's frustrating to watch others around you having successful pregnancies.  I have the same anger/envy every time I see a FB post about babies...
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    I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm 1 : 3,000, so statistics really mean nothing to me at this point.

    I have heard that some drs will do testing prior to 3 losses, but you kinda need to "strong-arm" them. Maybe seeing an RE would help to get the ball rolling?

    I asked for additional testing, and I'm so glad I did....I discovered that I have an issue (MTHFR) which without treatment, could cause PG loss again.

    BFP #1 via IUI ~ L (Fatal Birth Defect) 4/7/10
    BFP #2 via IUI ~ m/c
    BFP #3 via cancelled IUI ~ C (2lb 3oz; HELLP) 5/16/11
    BFP #4 via the natural (free!) way ~ E (8lb 11oz) 9/13/12

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    I hate them too. I'm a 1 in 200, and when you think about it, that's a lot. Still wish I was in that other 199 though. :(

    BFP#1 {Cashew} - 9.19.09 EDD 5.26.10
    The day you first lay in my arms, you made my life complete.
    Aurora Rose born sleeping at 35w on 4-21-10
    BFP#2 {Almond} - 2.1.11 EDD 10.12.11 C/P 2.11.11

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    After my first m/c I was led into a false reassurance by stats.  Never again ... once you find yourself on the other side of those stats you never feel "safe" again.  Sorry if that's so negative but that's how I'm feeling right now.
    5 ANGELS IN HEAVEN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -> miss m/c discovered on 4/6/09 at 9wks 3 days ( measured 6wks 1day ) m/c on 4/15/09 -> natural m/c on 8/27/09 at 8wks 1 day -> miss m/c discovered on 5/27/10 at 8wks 3 days ( measured 8wks ) m/c on 6/15/10 -> natural m/c on 1/27/11 at 10wks 3days -> natural m/c on 3/12/12 at 7wks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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    yes, statistics suck big time. they say there is a 1 in 10,000 chance for my situation. gee, thanks for choosing me. why couldn't i have won the lotto ... not that it would matter anyway bc it can't bring back my baby.

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    Yes, none of the numbers have helped me feel better at all.  I'm sorry for your losses.
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    Well said sister.
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    Ugh...I'm sorry. Maybe you can get a 2nd opinion and find a dr that will do testing? I've had 2 losses and my dr is willing to do all the testing we want...I'm sure there are others in your area that will.
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    From what I heard, "all pregnancies" includes ones not known about. Also, what I was told was 20% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage, but of those 20% only 2% have redcurrant pregnancy loss.

    Don't forget all the statistics (what  I call BS) that each u/s and hearing of hb brings it down. I had 3 u/s showing a heartbeat and proper growth. I also heard the heartbeat with the second m/c. 

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    The more research I read about statistics, the more I think they are bunk. I've seen all sorts of numbers and all sorts of stuff since my m/c and have come to the conclusion that no one really knows and so they just make up general numbers to try to make us feel better.

    There isn't enough work and research done on miscarriages and infant deaths to really understand, and there is a serious lack of education regarding it too. 

    Sorry for the rant, that has become my pet peeve. 

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    I hate statistics too!  I was told at my post op appointment that there's only a 10-12% chance that a miscarriage or stillbirth will be due to a placental abruption, yet I've had 3.  It's definitely not fair.
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