Alabama Babies

Thank goodness she doesn't pee at night...

When Avery was an infant - she boycotted footed jammies. Then she boycotted one piece, non-footed jammies because she can't rub her belly in them. And now apparently, homegirl can't sleep in pants.

It was laundry time and all I had for jammies for her were pants and t-shirts instead of her normal shorts and t-shirts. So I put her down and she keeps grabbing at her legs and pants. She was sort of sweating a little too so I figured she was hot. I took off her pants and she immediately fell asleep with a t-shirt and diaper on.

I left her and when I went back to check on her - I see naked butt in the air and a diaper around her ankle (just one - the other part was undone). I put her diaper back on and went to bed.

about 30 minutes later, she started crying and DH went to sit with her and she was not going to sleep very well. I told him to just bring her in bed with me. He did and she went to sleep. he slept in her bed - LOL. I rolled over today to find... NAKED BUTT right next to my head! She took her diaper off AGAIN last night!

Thank god she doesn't pee at night.

(and her jammies are IN THE WASH right now :) )

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