Single Parents

Financial Assistants????

I'm a "single mom" to an extent, the father is going to be 100% in our childs life and he will help with diapers, clothes, formula and what not but I am gonna need some help  for myslef. I'm going to school full time (taking online classes this fall) I work and 45 hours a week for now and I live alone, so I dont have anyone to split the bills with. Is there financial assistant I can get, or help with daycare costs?? This is my first and i'm starting to get nervous.


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Re: Financial Assistants????

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    Not to be a debbie downer.. but how do you know he will always be there? What happens if he decides he does not want to pay as much?

    Cover your butt.. thats all I am saying. Promises while pregnant are not always fullfilled after.

     I live in CT and we have a program called care4kids. My daycare for an infant is $231 a week but based on my income the state feels I should pay a portion of that plus what the overage is for them charging to much. I dont know if every state has one of these programs but its great.

    Good luck

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    I think you mean Financial Assistance (an Assistant is a person). Spelling it right will help w/ google.

    1.  Get Court Ordered Child Support.  You may be under estimating how much he really needs to support the child. 

    2.  You can not be NICE Nice gets you screwed.  You can be flexible, amicible but know your RIGHTS before you give them away by being NICE.

    3. Look up a WIC office near you and go there.  They have lots of resource guides.

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    It all depends on your income. I would check with your local health department they will steer you in the right direction if you meet the guidelines.
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    1.  Get Court Ordered Child Support.  You may be under estimating how much he really needs to support the child. 

    2.  You can not be NICE Nice gets you screwed.  You can be flexible, amicible but know your RIGHTS before you give them away by being NICE.

    Ditto.  You said you are working 45 hours a week?    You can also go through SRS (do all states have those) to look for additional resources.   If you qualify, you might be able to get assistance with daycare, as well as electric bills in the winter (LIEP in KS).    

    You should really get get his name on the birth certificate, it will prevent headaches in the future.

    Also, be prepared to have court mandated child support if you do go and seek assistance from places like SRS (again, that is in kansas).   In Kansas if you receive assistance-- medical, food stamps, child care, cash assistance-- you have to go through the child support enforcement offices.  The father MUST be paying child support through the Kansas payment center for that to happen.

    Whew!  This is what I do on a daily basis for a living.  ;d 

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