Single Parents

Had Our Provisional Hearing Today...

Did not exactly go in my favor. STBXH brought his last 4 paystubs which showed that he hasn't worked much in the last month. Which he also decided to bring on the tears and tell the magistrate that he barely makes it to pay his bills. HELLO! I barely make it to take care of our child. He did admit that he has not paid me anything since I moved out. All the while I'm standing there trying to be strong, which probably came acrossed to the judge that I'm some rigid bia! So needless to say he only ordered him to pay $30/week until the final hearing. Well since I didn't get to say much, I dunno if this will help my case all that much, but I've decided to write to the judge and explain the whole situation and give him a list of my monthly bills, so he knows more about my side. Since he pretty much cut me off any time I tried to say anything, at least I know I will get my point acrossed.

What do you all think?

Re: Had Our Provisional Hearing Today...

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    I don't really know the way it all works-it sounds like you are representing yourself?  I have gone through my lawyer for this and we agreed on a monthly amount with DB's lawyer (temporarily but it will stay in affect until we have another hearing, which there is none on the horizon). 

    I think a letter couldn't hurt.  I would definitely make it concise and to the point because they probably deal with a lot of things like this.  Just state the facts: your bills, what you make, etc.  Hopefully he will read the whole thing.

    When do you have your FINAL hearing?  So what I am asking is, how long do you have to subsist on $30/week?

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    I don't really know the way it all works-it sounds like you are representing yourself?  I have gone through my lawyer for this and we agreed on a monthly amount with DB's lawyer (temporarily but it will stay in affect until we have another hearing, which there is none on the horizon). 

    I think a letter couldn't hurt.  I would definitely make it concise and to the point because they probably deal with a lot of things like this.  Just state the facts: your bills, what you make, etc.  Hopefully he will read the whole thing.

    When do you have your FINAL hearing?  So what I am asking is, how long do you have to subsist on $30/week?

    Unfortunatley I am representing myself. Neither one of us have a lawyer. The final hearing isn't set yet, but he did mention that it would be right around the end of June beginning of July. So I'm hoping the 30/week is just temporary til the final hearing. Because I flat out told the judge, that that will pay for diapers and that's it.

    I dunno, he was just a little too easy on him. Especially not knowing the whole situation. He just knows that I'm the one that filed and he's the one that was crying in court...ugh!

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    Oh and I forgot to mention 2 things he said to me. Before court he mentioned that Tracy (his gf) would be able to watch her the days that the new sitter is supposed to watch her. But I don't think I'm comfortable with that. It's one thing if she's there when he has her, but it's another if she's alone with her.

     Another thing he said to me was "I wish we didn't have to go through this." Um...well you kind of did this to yourself! I know I shouldn't say never, but I really don't think I ever want to get married

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    I am so sorry...STBXH better never get his skank near my son..I know that can't be enforced but..whatever..

    I had to sell all of my jewelry in order to pay for my attorney..I was too afraid to go it alone because where I live, the judges are infamous for being cruel to the wives in divorce court..

    I am sorry the judge was so lenient on him...just doesn't seem fair does it?

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    Is there any way your could get a lawyer even if you have to get a loan??? I paid a lot for mine but it was worth it. If the judge is not giving you the time of day now do you think that it will be differant later? I am scared for you.
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    I have to agree with all the people saying to get a lawyer.  I don't know your financial situation, but I would definitely look into loans or are there any family or friends that would be willing to help you out?  I haven't been through it yet, but I've been told that once the divorce decree is in place it can be difficult to change it without significant life changes for you or your STBXH.  I really hope you're able to work something out so that you can obtain some legal assistance.
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    I have to agree with all the people saying to get a lawyer.  I don't know your financial situation, but I would definitely look into loans or are there any family or friends that would be willing to help you out?  I haven't been through it yet, but I've been told that once the divorce decree is in place it can be difficult to change it without significant life changes for you or your STBXH.  I really hope you're able to work something out so that you can obtain some legal assistance.
    I work on a weekly budget and by the time I pay all my other bills I'm lucky if I get 20 bucks, and that usually goes to DD. So no I cannot even afford to get a loan. My debt ratio cannot handle it. And everybody that I know, knows my situation, there's just not anybody at this point in time that can just hand over that kind of money to me.
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