Houston Babies

Thank you card question...etiquette question

I had a shower a couple of weeks ago.  I had three ladies host it, and I purchased a gift for each of them, wrote a thank you card, and gave them these items before the shower that day.  Each hostess purchased a different "gift" except one.  She didn't give me a gift (which is perfectly fine, and not the issue at all).  The question is should I write her another Thank You Card and mail it?  The shower was lovely, food, etc.  And I really appreciate everything each of them did.  Just didn't know the "rule" or thought on this. 


Re: Thank you card question...etiquette question

  • It wouldn't hurt to send her another one, letting her know how much you enjoyed it and how lovely it was.  It won't take very long and she'll appreciate it.
  • I always send another one, an extra thank you never hurts.
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  • well, i'll be the dissenter and say i wouldn't. you already gave her a note and gift for what she did for you. like you don't expect her to write you a thank you for the hostess gift?

    i think there can be a another side where the thanks get to actually be too much. for example, i brought a hostess gift to a dinner and got a thank you note for it. it was weird- i gave the gift as a thank you and now i am getting thanked for saying thanks? it wasn't anything big but i do think that bringing something when someone is hosting you is nice and good etiquette- not something you owe me a thank you for.

  • I wouldn't...but I HATE Thank you notes!!!!

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