Houston Babies

do you think it's tacky

(ignoring the sunburn possibilities) do you think it's tacky to see a toddler girl at a swimming pool or splash pad in just a pair of swim bottoms, no top?

Re: do you think it's tacky

  • In public yes. But in private (even in a front yard) not at all.
  • If I was in Europe or a resort on Mexico etc no.


    I find it odd in America for some reason.

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  • mom2llmom2ll member

    I'm not a fan of topless...  In fact, I'm a all for the rash guard top...   We're trying to teach our daughter to be modest.

  • imagestarlettedir:

    If I was in Europe or a resort on Mexico etc no.


    I find it odd in America for some reason.

    This exactly. Our culture just seems to view it differently. It is odd, but real.

  • imagelilycat:

    If I was in Europe or a resort on Mexico etc no.


    I find it odd in America for some reason.

    This exactly. Our culture just seems to view it differently. It is odd, but real.

    Agreed. DH flipped out when he saw all the men in spedos, women topless and 5 year old girls without tops on our HM in Playa. It didn't phase me because I lived in Germany.

    Now, if I'd seen the same here at a beach in FL I'd freak Stick out tongue

    I can't explain it. I'd never go topless(at any location) but it didn't shock me when others did.

  • DD runs around our yard naked.  Big Smile

    I'm a bit more modest when it comes to public nudity, I wouldn't likely let DD go topless...besides she looks too cute in her bikinis.

  • i don't think it's tacky up until about 3 years old. there is something about a little one who can really carry on a coherent conversation that makes me feel like she should have a top on, but under that i'm honestly surprised that so many people think so.
  • imagebpaullo:

    I'm not a fan of topless...  In fact, I'm a all for the rash guard top...   We're trying to teach our daughter to be modest.

    Ditto  (minus the daughter part, cause we have a son)

    Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Premature Baby tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers image image image
  • imagebpaullo:

    I'm not a fan of topless...  In fact, I'm a all for the rash guard top...   We're trying to teach our daughter to be modest.

    Ditto  (minus the daughter part, cause we have a son)

    Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Premature Baby tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers image image image
  • AnnkiwiAnnkiwi member

    I suppose I'm in the minority but I see no problem with it. I rarely put a top on DD - it's a pain in the butt and she's got nothing to cover. I AM however adamant about wearing a sunhat :)

    I understand the modesty issue but I believe in being comfortable in your body and not feeling shame.

  • I'm a little surprised at the responses. I don't think it's tacky at all. I'm not sure at what age I'd find it inappropriate, but certainly not at Marion's age. I can't imagine that letting a toddler go without a bathing suit top would encourage immodesty.   

    Wyatt James born September 14, 2008
  • It's funny, because I find myself thinking that bikini tops on girls (especially the triangle kind) are more suggestive and immodest than just letting girls run around topless.  The triangle tops suggest that there's something there to be covered up and that to me is what makes it immodest.

    I don't think there's anything odd about it (up to a certain age, but I'm not certain what that age is) but I do know others might view it as odd or weird, so I always cover Mar up.  

  • Tacky....yet, in quite the "double standard" fashion, I have no problem with Joe running around w no top on....they're both flat chested.....but it just seems innapropriate to me to have a little girl run around without a shirt on.


    Babies gone WILD! Wahoo!!

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  • imagekat.in.the.hat:

    It's funny, because I find myself thinking that bikini tops on girls (especially the triangle kind) are more suggestive and immodest than just letting girls run around topless.  The triangle tops suggest that there's something there to be covered up and that to me is what makes it immodest.

    I don't think there's anything odd about it (up to a certain age, but I'm not certain what that age is) but I do know others might view it as odd or weird, so I always cover Mar up.  

    i just had a conversation about this. there is a picture of me from the early 70s in a tiny string bikini. i was probably 7 or 8. it's solid green with triangle tops. it does not look sexy or suggestive in any way.

    anyone as old as me might remember back in the 70s we were super short, tight shorts as kids- usually made of something like terrycloth. today, those same shorts look suggestive on a little girl and i think the reason is this: because these days, older women wear those same things exactly to look suggestive and trampy. so the women have sexualized the items, not the little girls. these short shorts and skimpy bikinis and super-mini plaid school girl skirts have been worn by little girls for generations now. it's our society's perception of them that has changed. 

  • imagerayskit10:

    It's funny, because I find myself thinking that bikini tops on girls (especially the triangle kind) are more suggestive and immodest than just letting girls run around topless.  The triangle tops suggest that there's something there to be covered up and that to me is what makes it immodest.

    I don't think there's anything odd about it (up to a certain age, but I'm not certain what that age is) but I do know others might view it as odd or weird, so I always cover Mar up.  

    i just had a conversation about this. there is a picture of me from the early 70s in a tiny string bikini. i was probably 7 or 8. it's solid green with triangle tops. it does not look sexy or suggestive in any way.

    anyone as old as me might remember back in the 70s we were super short, tight shorts as kids- usually made of something like terrycloth. today, those same shorts look suggestive on a little girl and i think the reason is this: because these days, older women wear those same things exactly to look suggestive and trampy. so the women have sexualized the items, not the little girls. these short shorts and skimpy bikinis and super-mini plaid school girl skirts have been worn by little girls for generations now. it's our society's perception of them that has changed. 

    V - that's a really good way of putting it

  • I feel like my gut instinct would be, "It's a little weird that she isn't wearing a top." And then about two seconds later I would shake that thought and think, "She's a toddler...who cares?!"

    I definitely wouldn't judge a mom for that. 

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  • jen5-03jen5-03 member

    I prefer DD to be wearing a top, but if I didn't have a swimsuit for her I'd let her play at a splashpad in just her shorts.

    And even if I didn't have a change of clothes for her, my reasoning for keeping her shirt dry is that carseat straps on bare skin just seems horrible to me. I've never actually run into this situation without having any clothes for her, so I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have dry panties for her for the ride home - but she has gone home in just dry panties and a tshirt.

    - Jena
  • imagestarlettedir:

    If I was in Europe or a resort on Mexico etc no.


    I find it odd in America for some reason.

    This exactly. Our culture just seems to view it differently. It is odd, but real.

    Agreed. DH flipped out when he saw all the men in spedos, women topless and 5 year old girls without tops on our HM in Playa. It didn't phase me because I lived in Germany.

    Now, if I'd seen the same here at a beach in FL I'd freak Stick out tongue

    I can't explain it. I'd never go topless(at any location) but it didn't shock me when others did.

    It's not quite the same here because women don't go topless, but people change their kids in and out of their swimsuits right out in the open at splash parks and pools.  I was really taken aback the first time I saw it.  I still try to keep as much modesty as possible by going in a corner and/or standing so I'm blocking them as much as I can.  Nobody else seems to care or be bothered by it--I guess since most non-asian people here are European.  Even at Sam's school, after swim lessons, all of the kids change in and out of their suits in a public hallway, when there are sizeable restrooms right across the hall.

    As for topless toddler girls, it doesn't bother me.  It would strike me as odd if they were older than 4 or so.  I think that's because of Viula's way of thinking.  At 4 they definitely aren't babies anymore.  They pretty much have speech and language down, and the baby fat is gone, for the most part.

    There's this place by the river that has a lot of restaurants, and a person was letting their toddler play in a fountain naked.  That was weird.

  • Shoot, at a splash pad last year there was a 3 or 4 year old b o y running around completely n a k e d.  I was horrified!  I mean, not even counting the modesty issues, but who the heck wants to worry about burnt little bits!
    6-yr-old Elena and 4-yr-old Julia.
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  • imagebpaullo:

    I'm not a fan of topless...  In fact, I'm a all for the rash guard top...   We're trying to teach our daughter to be modest.

    same here. if we're in public, she's in a rash guard and board shorts.

    I'll let her wear a normal one-piece if we're at home though.  No bikinis.

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I don't think it's tacky but Rena always wears a swimsuit when we're out in public. It's just personal preference.
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
  • Yes.  I wouldn't let my toddler boy go without a shirt in public.

    Now in the backyard DH lets him go naked.

  • I think she's young so it's ok. Then again this was both of the girls first suit..............



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  • I don't think it's tacky for a toddler, but for a pre-schooler then yes.  Older than 4 I think they should be covered up.

    Abbie has become modest anyway and wouldn't go out in public without a shirt on even if I let her.

    I also don't like bikinis on babies or little girls.  She's always been in a one piece or in a takini.  I'm not a fan of the teeny bikinis.

    Abbie Rose 9.26.2004
    Collin Thayne 10.11.2010
  • imagenvp05:
    I don't think it's tacky but Rena always wears a swimsuit when we're out in public. It's just personal preference.

    Same here.

  • 3 and under= not tacky

    over 3, yes....it's kinda tacky to me IN PUBLIC. I just think about all the crazies out there and don't want my kid to attract their attention by being nude (even just on top).


    In the backyard, she plays in her panties all the time.

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  • LisaK2bLisaK2b member

    3 and under= not tacky

    over 3, yes....it's kinda tacky to me IN PUBLIC. I just think about all the crazies out there and don't want my kid to attract their attention by being nude (even just on top).


    In the backyard, she plays in her panties all the time.

    this...it's pretty much the same as pulling up their dress for the whole world to see under it.  It was fine when they were little to do it, and we just slowly pulled it down, but it's totally different now that she's 3 and sometimes likes to pull up her dress all the way.  I correct her pretty quickly and make her pull her dress down fast!

    Lisa. mommy to Emmy and Ally image
  • imagekat.in.the.hat:

    It's funny, because I find myself thinking that bikini tops on girls (especially the triangle kind) are more suggestive and immodest than just letting girls run around topless.  The triangle tops suggest that there's something there to be covered up and that to me is what makes it immodest.

    I don't think there's anything odd about it (up to a certain age, but I'm not certain what that age is) but I do know others might view it as odd or weird, so I always cover Mar up.  

    This exactly...My mom brought dd a swimsuit back from Argentina last summer and it was just bloomers & a little hat. It was the cutest thing ever! & she looked so cute cuz she had all her baby fat :) (now she's a little stick boo!) I didnt feel uncomfortable at all.

  • I don't think it's tacky for younger toddlers. I agree that once they get older then yes they should not do it. I don't think I would still let them run around in public with no top though.
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