Parenting after a Loss

What time do you put LO to bed?

We are going to try to put Zoey in her crib tonite and want to get a routine going.  What time do you put your LO to bed?  She is still waking up almost exactly every 3 hours to eat, should we just let her try to cry it out one of those times or is it too early?
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Re: What time do you put LO to bed?

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    Tonight is our LO's first full night in her crib too.  We did a bath at 6:15, feeding at 6:45 and put her down at 7:15.  She stayed asleep for about an hour and a half but just woke up a little while ago.  She was wet so I changed her, but she's still crying.  This whole moving to the crib thing is not going to be easy!
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    we start her bedtime routine around 7 and she's down by 8. imo, i think its too early to start trying to cio. gl tonight!
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    We start her routine between 6:15 and 6:45 usually. Bottle, then upstairs for bath, lotion, jammies, story, bed. She's usually in bed between 6:45 and 7:15 or so. 

    In my opinion your LO is way too young to CIO.If she's waking every 3 hours to eat, then she's hungry.  And if she's not hungry, she may just need comfort.
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    We did not start putting DD down at a regular time until she was around 3 months old- that is when she started showing signs of sleepiness consistently around 7 PM.  We just let her sleep when she wanted to at that age.

    As for CIO- it is definitely too early to begin that.  You shouldn't try CIO until around 4-6 months, if your baby is ready for it.   Newborns are incapable of self-soothing so they really do need your to help get them to sleep- nursing, rocking, swaying, singing, white noise, pacis.  Whatever works.  But no CIO yet. 

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    Woah! Way too early. Like someone else mentioned, that's more like 4-6 months. For the first couple of months it's survival mode (sorry to say) and feeding on demand. once you're closer to 3 months LO will most likely still be waking to feed but not as often. DS is going on 14 weeks and was waking at 2:30 and 4:30, then up for good at about 6:15. There have been a few nights this week he was only up once (around 4), so hoping that'll continue.

    Hang in there! I know it's hard at first, but it'll go by quickly, I promise. 

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    We start bedtime routine at 9pm and bed by 10.   She wakes around 2am for a bottle and then gets up with me at 6am.  She goes back to sleep for a few hours when my mom gets here at 7:30am.  I couldn't imagine starting bedtime at 6pm.  With work I would never get to spend any time with her. 
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    We didn't start a routine with DS until this last couple of weeks, so like around 2.5 months of age.  The routine we have starts at 7:30pm with a bath, then lotion rub down, then a book, then a bottle and then bed.  He isn't always asleep after his bottle, but I put him in his crib regardless.  He has never cried himself to sleep, rather he will just be entertained by the crack machine and then doze off within 5-25 minutes depending.  We transfered him from the bassinet, which was next to our bed in our room, to his crib is his own room when he was 2 weeks old.  We never had any issues with that.  It was just a difficult adjustment because back then he fed every 2-2.5 hours, then eventually it went to 3 and now he is STTN pretty much, with just one feed before he gets up for the day.  I think it is too early for you to let your LO cry it out.  Supposedly it is to be done after 3 months or even later if you can.  But what works for one doesn't work for everyone. 
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    At 2 weeks old, you should NOT be attempting to schedule her night feedings.

    Babies need to be fed on demand (when they're hungry) until they weight AT LEAST 12 pounds or you run the risk of dehydration.  Very few doctors/experts recommend CIO until at least 4 months old.

    Enjoy your little one while she's little.  Soon enough, she'll be sleeping over other people's houses and won't want you around at night..... enjoy how much she needs you now.

    You can't spoil a newborn.  Really.

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    We just started a bedtime routine with Eliana this week. I'll also say that we just started a fairly set wake up time as well.

    She eats between 7-7:30. Then we do a bath on bath nights (skip it if it's not and just play a little bit), change her into her pj's, read some books, and put her down somewhere between 8-9pm. She has yet to cry when we put her down at this time, because she's usually pretty tired by then, even if she's not drowsy.

    I was really eager to get into a routine in the beginning, too, and from my experience, it was just too early. It took time for me to understand Eliana's rhythms, to learn her cries, and to be able to read her better (though I still don't have this mastered). It was only then that I felt more comfortable trying a routine.

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