Babies: 3 - 6 Months

When you tickle your baby, what happens?

Whenever I tickle Tegan she will stop breathing, go rigid and then will kinda let out a small cry. She really doesn't seem to like being tickled and so I only do it every once in awhile to see if her reaction has changed. What does your LO do?

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Re: When you tickle your baby, what happens?

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    Lets out a happy squeal - if i do it for too long she gets upset
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    My DD laughs when I tickle her neck.. Sometimes while I'm holding her I will run my fingertips up and down her back and she will just squirm around lol.
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    He sucks in his breath and makes a surprised face. Occasionally he'll giggle.
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    Sometimes he will giggle but most of the time he holds his breath, arches his back, turns red, and grunts.  Then after I stop he will usually smile.

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    When I do it, nothing. When daddy does it, laughs uncontrollably.
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    She has just started to be ticklish she will let out a big old giggle and smile, but only lasts for so long.
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    She laughs and screeches, the screeching is new.  She loves to be tickled though.  That doesn't sound too unusual what Tegan does, Allie went through a stage where she had a total meltdown if you blew a raspberry, and she normally doesn't ever fuss, it was so weird. 
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    Nothing at all. lol
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    Lets out a happy squeal - if i do it for too long she gets upset

    this is what my LO does

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    This exactly - maybe it's a Jack thing!
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    I'm still working on teaching her to be ticklish. We play every day during diaper changes with tickling her belly and zerberts on her belly. I make sure to do big smiles and giggles and she usually copies me. It still takes a lot to get her to really giggle, though.
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    imagejack's mama:
    When I do it, nothing. When daddy does it, laughs uncontrollably.

    try that again - this exactly, maybe it's a Jack thing! 

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    imagejack's mama:
    When I do it, nothing. When daddy does it, laughs uncontrollably.

    This exactly.

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    Nothing happens to my DD either.  My grandmother told me not to tickle her  because it was mean and she has no defense mechanism.  I don't believe that, but I thought it was an odd thing to say.
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    Lets out a happy squeal - if i do it for too long she gets upset

    Same with my DD.

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    It depends on where

    Back: she will shrug her shoulders, smile and arch her back

    Armpit: smile and giggle

    Lowerback top of booty crack: Hysterical fits of laughter.

    I have weird child

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