3rd Trimester

Setting induction date today!

I am measuring 5 weeks ahead, but baby only measured 7lbs, 4 oz last week.  I am hoping to set the date of 5/19 (due 5/15 but doc is OOT from 5/14-5/18 ~other option is 5/10).  By then we are looking at a 9-9.5 lb baby.  (DD1 was 8 lbs, 14 oz.)  I also think that 5/13 I will have her strip my membranes to see if anything starts on its own.....

Wish me luck!

Re: Setting induction date today!

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    The best of luck! Big Smile
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    Good luck!
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    Good luck!
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    good luck!  my doc finally gave me an induction date but for other reasons.  it was the best feeling ever.  she is only doing it 5 days early.  i wish my doc would tell me how big baby is.
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    Ditto for me too.  I'm hoping to get a date set today for an induction.  I'm thinking it will be May 14th or 17th.  I'm due on May 29th, but my doc wants to induce at 38w (BP, large baby boy already, and complications that I had after his birth.)

    Maybe we'll have our big babies on the same day ;) 


    Carter Robert 7.18.08 | Brynn Sophia 5.24.10 | Reid Joseph 9.10.12 | Emerson Mae 1.27.14

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    Ditto for me too.  I'm hoping to get a date set today for an induction.  I'm thinking it will be May 14th or 17th.  I'm due on May 29th, but my doc wants to induce at 38w (BP, large baby boy already, and complications that I had after his birth.)

    Maybe we'll have our big babies on the same day ;) 

    You are due on my anniversary!

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