Florida Babies

Our baby boy is here! Birth Story inside

Our induction was scheduled for 1/16/08 at 7:30pm. We arrived at the hospital at 7:15pm. They checked me and I was still showing at 1cm. They started my cervidil at 9pm and had me lay in bed for 2 hours so that it would kick in. The Cervidil really was not that bad. I really expected more from it. I only felt slight cramping, which was still very faint, Not that bad at all! At 5am they removed the cervadil, and started my pitocin at 7am. They came to check me every hour. At 8am they came in and broke my water. That my friends, is the weirdest feeling in the world. Felt  warm liquid rushing out, as if I was peeing on myself, and I had no control over it. (sorry tmi, but this is a BS and I want you to get the idea J ). This is when the contractions kicked in. WOW did they kick in. I managed to stick it out till 3cm, at which time I was in so much pain, I asked for the epi. The pain was so intense, I had severe back labor. The epi was a blessing. They administered the epi at 9:30am, and my 10am I was in pure bliss. They continued to check me hourly. I was progressing quickly and didn?t feel anymore pain. However there was still pressure hat I could feel, but not bad at all. By noon I was 6 cm. The baby was beginning to stress with the contractions, and the HB was decreasing by the reports that were generated by the belly monitors. They had to remove those, and place the internal fetal monitor on DS. Hb quickly came back to normal. 2pm I was 8cm, and started to feel the contractions Sharp, striking pain in my back, as if someone was stabbing me with a knife over and over again. The epi was not as strong as earlier. I called the nurse and asked for pain relief, and had and epi booster placed at 2:10. Doctor came to ckeck on me at 3pm and I was a full 10cm 100% effaced. Ready to push doc? Sure thing? Pushed for a good hour and a half. DH was there by my side the whole time coaching me and telling me how great I was doing. He really helped me through this, because even with the epi booster, I don?t care what anyone tells you, Once you start pushing, you still feel pain. We were nearing the end, and one last push?.DS was born at 4:30pm. They were not able to give him to me immediately, as he had meconium. They quickly took him away, and cleaned out his lungs, and cleaned him off, and handing him to me. I have to say, that it is the most amazing feeling in the world when he came out.  Absolutely amazing!!!! Words can not even describe? (you will know what I mean when you have your baby :-)  When he came out, All I could do was cry with pure happiness. I was so relieved, when I saw him, and heard him cry. He weighed 8lbs and was 21 inches. Perfect! Couldn?t ask for anything more!

The doctor said I have a 3 degree tear as I tore into the muscle. All I can say is OUCH! I am still in pain. It was hard to walk the 1 and 2 day after delivery, but it gets better. The only thing I can say is ?Dermoplast? it is a wonderful thing.  I have posted some pics of DS in bio. BF has been difficult, but we are working on it. I am pumping every 2 hours to maintain a good balance. Sleep?Hummm well? When they say to make sure you get plenty of rest before your baby?they are RIGHT! DS is still confused with his day/night time. He sleeps during the day and is up at night. (Although I will say that tonight he is dong great, and has not woke yet. )

I have posted some pics up of DS in my Bio.


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