1st Trimester

Condescending doctors and nurses

So, this weekend I posted that a nurse laughed at me and acted really rude and haughty when I called for some help re: 1st trimester spotting. Well, today I had an appointment for said spotting and the doc was just as condescending! He verified everything is OK - baby is in there, has a heartbeat, looks good - but then "reminded" me that even if this DOES signal a pending miscarriage, there's "nothing medically he can do about it." Really, genius? I thought you'd give me a magic pill to make it all better. He also pointed out that we saw a heartbeat at 7.5 weeks, so really, "he's not telling me anything different than I was told at that first appointment."


GRRR. He is not my normal doc - I had to see him because mine is out of town - but really, I can do without the attitude. This is my first pregnancy, I've not gone in for any other reason, and my doc TOLD me to come in for peace of mind. I hope I don't continue to encounter people who talk down to me and make me feel dumb for asking questions about things that are new to me!!

Re: Condescending doctors and nurses

  • That sucks!  I have a great OB about 30-40 minutes south of SF if you want his name :)
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  • I think doctors forget that we as moms would go over the moon and back then down to hell and back for our children, even our unborn children.

    We want optimism and reality all rolled into one. As for the nurse to be so Biotchy, WTH was up her kuukoo!

    Im so sick from the Taco Bell I just ate, if you gave me that nurses number Id call her for you!


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  • imagesillypit:
    That sucks!  I have a great OB about 30-40 minutes south of SF if you want his name :)


    Thanks, but I'm with Kaiser and forced to choose my doc in the SF area! As I said, I like her, I just keep getting stuck with these yo-yos who are not her :(

  • kg_08kg_08 member
    Don't let them bully you! Maybe it's just the hormones, but since i've been pregnant I will not take crap from ANYONE. If you feel like they're being rude, call em out.
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  • Thats sucks... I am glad that is not your regular doctor!! That said...

     I see your profile says San Francisco.. do you live in the city or somewhere else in the bay area?? I have a WONDERFUL ob/gyn that I go to in the east bay if you need a rec..

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  • ops... sorry did not see your 2nd post lol
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  • With the nurse, I got upset and could only cry (which I hate). With the doc, I ALMOST said something but didn't - I sort of wimped out.


    Next time I see MY doctor, I am going to ask her straight up about these experiences. After all, she encouraged me to have this appointment in the first place! Hopefully she can put some of my fears to rest.

  • I was going to suggest a different doc... at least it's not who you normally see. You can file a complaint on both the nurse and the doctor
    (if it makes you feel better). That's annoying they weren't more supportive, sorry you had to deal with that. I would make sure if you're doc happens to not be around for L&D that you don't get stuck with that guy again!

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  • That sucks. I love my Midwife and the US Tech that I met today. However, the B*tches at the lab (where I have to go for blood work) need to grow up and behave with 1/2 an ounce of professionalism.
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