Babies: 3 - 6 Months

What do you do with LOs clothes when they outgrow them?

I started to put them in bins and label them. Then I stick them in the attic.

Problem is, she outgrew her newborn stuff right around the same time and that was also when I removed her "cute" bumper and replaced it with a breathable bumper so that took up a lot of room in the bin.

Now she is just starting to outgrow 0-3 mos size in some brands, so do I just use smaller bins or do I just make a pile in her closet of stuff to later place in a bin?

(I am hoping to have 3-4 kids so I really don't want to sell/giveaway her clothes).

What's your system?

Re: What do you do with LOs clothes when they outgrow them?

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    I'm making him a quilt out of all my favorite outfits from his first year and the rest of them I've just been putting in a bin in case we decide to have another child.
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    I washed and placed them in tubs when DS out grew them, the tubs are in the closet.  I plan to go through them again and weed out outfits.  I am also going to saftey pin bibs, socks and such to the outfits (I will just fold together the pants and shirts). 

    My goal is one tub or less for each size, as you never know what season, size or gender your next child will be.

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    I washed and placed them in tubs when DS out grew them, the tubs are in the closet.  I plan to go through them again and weed out outfits.  I am also going to saftey pin bibs, socks and such to the outfits (I will just fold together the pants and shirts). 

    My goal is one tub or less for each size, as you never know what season, size or gender your next child will be.

    Also I am deciding whether to yard sale or donate leftover clothes... so that way someone else can get some use out of them as well.

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    I got a pretty small bin for the 0-3 stuff (meant to be a box to store a pair of knee-high boots).  I'll probably need to get bigger bins as I go along, or just do multiple boxes per size.  The smaller bins are easy enough for me to shove onto the top shelf in DD's closet, but I'm not sure how many sizes we can store up there anyway before we need to move some things to the basement.

    I don't see why you can't mix sizes if you like the bigger bins - put all the 0-3 on the bottom, and the 3-6 on top of it when it's time.  As long as you label things, you'll be able to find them when you need them.  And you'll probably want to pull out a few sizes at a time when your next baby comes along anyway.

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    I washed and placed them in tubs when DS out grew them, the tubs are in the closet.  I plan to go through them again and weed out outfits.  I am also going to saftey pin bibs, socks and such to the outfits (I will just fold together the pants and shirts). 

    My goal is one tub or less for each size, as you never know what season, size or gender your next child will be.

    Also I am deciding whether to yard sale or donate leftover clothes... so that way someone else can get some use out of them as well.

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    I'm making him a quilt out of all my favorite outfits from his first year and the rest of them I've just been putting in a bin in case we decide to have another child.

    This is a fabulous idea---if only i could sew!

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    I have a box STUFFED full of diapers that she outgrew, and 2 bins full of clothes that she's outgrown, and they'll all go into storage for the next child. The outfits I really don't like/care for, I'll give away. Once I'm done having kids, I'll either give or sell everything but a few outfits from each child, so that they have something for when they have children.
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    space bags! i have a bin that i drop her stuff in as it gets too small and then when the bin is filled I empty it into a space bag. each bag holds a couple of bins of clothes and takes up a lot less space - plus since it's air tight i dont have to worry about smells, discoloration or anything like that. i'm still going to rewash everything when i open them back up, but dont have to worry about stuff getting musty smelling.


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    I have a tub in the spare bedroom and toss clothes into it as she outgrows them. We are on our second tub (She's already in 12 months!) Separating by the labels sizing doesn't really take into consideration the different brands being smaller or bigger.

    I only gave away the thing we didn't like, kept everything else.

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    space bags! i have a bin that i drop her stuff in as it gets too small and then when the bin is filled I empty it into a space bag. each bag holds a couple of bins of clothes and takes up a lot less space - plus since it's air tight i dont have to worry about smells, discoloration or anything like that. i'm still going to rewash everything when i open them back up, but dont have to worry about stuff getting musty smelling.


    Ooh - now why didn't I think of that???  (Including while I was at the Container Store with my mom searching for options.)  That sounds like a great idea.

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    After DS#1 outgrew/grows clothes I through them in a large tote in our storage closet for DS#2 to use.  When DS#2 outgrows them I put them in a tote for a yard sale or ebay.
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    There are so many kids in my family that visit regularly, I have everything from preemie up to like 5t(just a few things here and there that are over 18-24mo) hanging in his closet.  its great to have on hand if i am babysitting or someone gets dirty.  its great backup and you never know...
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    I am keeping my favorite outfits in case we have another boy, but I just found out my sister is having a boy around the same season as K, so all the other clothes go to her.
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    Right now they are in a huge pile on the floor of her closet! Embarrassed I am planning on getting a small bin for each clothing size, labeling them, then putting them in the attic. I figured it will be easier to grab one bin instead of fishing through a large bin to find the size I need.
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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