3rd Trimester

Your weight loss and DH

Let me preface this by saying I'm really not sensitive and my DH is a gym rat.  I have always worked out and did during this pregnancy until my feet swelled to the point to where I just said F-it to putting on sneakers. 

I was naturally really slim (another side effect of my good genes- God bless my parents!!!) prior to getting pregnant and if I don't go back to a size 4 it won't be the end of the world (I hope).  I did inform my DH of this and we have had convos about how my body will more than likely be different from before I got pregnant.  He has said that he'd get me a trainer, work out with me, ect.  But he did say something that stood out.  He said, "You'd hate me if you got fat".  While I don't think he was saying it to be mean or spiteful (and he does put his foot in his mouth sometimes- his mother doesn't have any social skills and it kinda rubbed off on him) it really made me think.  How do men really feel about their wives bodies after they have children?

Have you had this talk with you DH?  What has he said about your body after childbirth if you already have a child?

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Re: Your weight loss and DH

  • I don't think my DH is going to care to much, as long as I am happy. When we first started dating I was very thin and over the last 10 years since then I have put on weight and he has never said anything negative. He doesn't act diffrent. He almost seems more attracted to me. So I don't think that will be any diffrent after LO. I think he will encourage me to loose weight only because I want to.

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  • DH and I have been together since I was 20 years old, for nearly 11 years now. He has tolerated the 30 lbs I've put on since then, and I have tolerated the weight he has put on (at least as much). Neither of us has the bodies we had in our early 20s, but we both think each other is just as sexy now in our early 30s....maybe we're just lucky!
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  • I agree a lot with the PP.  DH really isn't all that concerned about my weight loss after the baby (and he would tell me if he was).  It's almost the opposite with us-I can't wait to hit our treadmill as soon as LO comes out, but he's more "just wait until you've healed properly, give it time, etc." 

    I actually just yelled downstairs and asked DH about this and he said he honestly doesn't care if it takes a week, a year, or never!  lol  (for the record never will not fly in my book!) 

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  • Before I got pregnant my fiance and I worked out together. I would go to the gym 5-6 times a week. Now, I was NEVER a size 2 but I was trim and athletic looking. He's really into fitness and he is very encouraging about me going back to the gym and getting the weight off. He says stuff like, you'll bounce back quick and he keeps saying that I haven't gotten really big anywhere but my belly.

    But, I think sometimes men fear that after giving birth we'll just not care about how we look and continue to pile on the pounds. You see it all over TV with overweight women who complain about their weight and blame it on having kids. If we show that we are making an effort, our guys cannot come down on us too hard.

  • I was really big when DH and I got married, then I lost 120 lbs and to be honest, I don't think he really cares but I do. I care TOO much and can't wait to get back to running and such. I've eaten way too much during this pregnancy and I'm very excited to get back to what's good.
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  • imageellie31:

    Before I got pregnant my fiance and I worked out together. I would go to the gym 5-6 times a week. Now, I was NEVER a size 2 but I was trim and athletic looking. He's really into fitness and he is very encouraging about me going back to the gym and getting the weight off. He says stuff like, you'll bounce back quick and he keeps saying that I haven't gotten really big anywhere but my belly.

    But, I think sometimes men fear that after giving birth we'll just not care about how we look and continue to pile on the pounds. You see it all over TV with overweight women who complain about their weight and blame it on having kids. If we show that we are making an effort, our guys cannot come down on us too hard.

    IMO way hotter than being a size 2.  I think your second paragraph hit it on the head.  He's seen my sisters blow up after having children and he may just think that I will hit the "I don't care" phase too.  Just for the record, I will NEVER hit that phase.

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  • I've put on 50 lbs and DH has put on 30 lbs since I got pregnant. A lot of it was because we stopped exercising when I had to stop running and only could walk. He's started training for a 10 miler coming up in a few weeks and I plan to get back to running asap. We are committed to getting those lbs off!

    But to answer your question, he smiles when he sees my stretch marks, and cutely pinches my cottage cheese thighs. We laugh at each other being a little over weight right now. But we know it isn't forever. He loves me the way I am and I the same.

  • My weight has really fluctuated since DH and I started dating 7 years ago. He has always made me feel like it didnt matter but was always supportive when I joined weight watchers or started working out again or whatever.
    He has even been ok with my stretch marks-which are HUGE. When I whine about it he just says "well thats what happens when you get pregnant babe." I think the only thing that will bother him is that I dont have cute little pink nips anymore :( they are dark and giant and I dont like them either.
  • There is a threshold for my DH. He won't let me be fat without telling me, now this to him is don't get over a size 10/12. I'm 5'3" so that's about 45 lbs heavier than I was pre-preg with this one. But I'm also a runner always have been and am itching to be able To get back into it!!! And I always keep myself around a size 4 just from that. We both work out and both eat very healthy ( though he has a bacon habit I swear is gonna kill him) but we've been thru this and it takes time to get back to where you were! I've ONLY gained baby weight and at the end ( being induced this week) have only put on 25 lbs with the baby so for me to fet it off isn't a problem! And DH is aware it won't happen overnigt and if I don't get back down to a size 4 it isn't the end of the world. He would only have a problem if I gained more than I even had while I was pregnant! But I'd be kicking myself long before that point!!!
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  • I have figured out that my DH always finds me attractive even when I feel absolutely repulsive. Whether I'm high school skinny, 25 pounds overweight or 9 months pregnant he's totally in to me. With that said, I know he absolutely loves it when I'm fit, but it's not just because of the way I look. When I'm fit we work out together, take the kids to play tennis, hike all the time and do lots of other very active things as well. DH is a gym rat too. He is always very encouraging when I need to get back into an exercise routine, but never tries to make me feel bad if I'm slacking. As far as what he thinks of my body post baby, he has said that my body is different and those stretch marks are there from carrying his babies. I think there is a level of appreciation for what my body has accomplished. I bet your DH will find that he digs your body even if you don't get completely back down to a size 4 or if you get to a 4 but your body is just different. Men don't always see our bodies the way we do.
  • imageAllieJean:
    My weight has really fluctuated since DH and I started dating 7 years ago. He has always made me feel like it didnt matter but was always supportive when I joined weight watchers or started working out again or whatever.
    He has even been ok with my stretch marks-which are HUGE. When I whine about it he just says "well thats what happens when you get pregnant babe." I think the only thing that will bother him is that I dont have cute little pink nips anymore :( they are dark and giant and I dont like them either.

    LOL, this! I took my bra off the other night and DH's eyes just bugged out of his head. Then he started laughing and told me my nipples are getting HUUUUGE! Oh well, he knows they're that way so I can feed our baby, so he'll get over it.

  • Hubby tells me I'm beautiful every day and has for the last 15 years, whether I was 103 pounds and super fit or 130 pounds the day after I delivered our first daughter.  He loves my body in all its changes, but more important he loves me and our children.  That's all that's important.
  • My DH proposed to me when I weighed 35 lbs more than I do now (so 65 lbs more than I did pre-pregnancy). I haven't had a talk with him about my post-baby weight but for that reason, I do not worry at all. He was with my at my heaviest weight and as long as I'm happy, he's happy. I am much more concerned about my weight than he is, because I don't ever want to get to that point again!
  • I can not wait to deliver and get cleared to work out again. I mean seriously work out. I was a size 0/2 pre pregnancy ( I'm also barely 5' tall) and was heavy into training and getting into fitness competitions. DH owns and teaches at a martial arts school and he is super fit. He knows how down I am on my looks and is always encouraging me on how beautiful I am pregnant and how I look really great for as far along as I am. Its nice to hear even though I'm stubborn and it doesnt stick! 
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  • I have expressed my concerns to DH about him not finding me attractive after LO arrives and I have told him that even if I do loosed the weight my body may not look the same but he doesn't really seem to care if I loose the weight. I know that DH wouldn't be bothered if I never lost the weight but I also think it is a natural concern for men that their wives will use the excuse of having had children to no longer work out and to gain even more weight.

  • You ladies and your hubbies are so cute!! I swear I could kick my hubby after some of the dumb things he says!! I even threatened to keep my cottage cheese thighs (I do not plan on actually doing this). I am all for American thighs and big tatas. And you dont get those by eating soy burgers and almond milk. Im not saying to go overboard on the bon-bons but no daughter ever learned good body image from a mom who obsesses about calories and squeezing into the "perfect" jeans. And some dads need to get on the "Love Your Body Not Your Scale" campaign too :)
  • My weight has fluctuated a lot during my relationship with DH, and he never seems to be any less attracted to me when I am at my bigger end of the scale. 
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  • My husband married me when I was obese, he doesn't care if I lose the weight. In fact, he prefers it when I'm a bit more round than I like to be (even though he brags to our family/friends about how much weight I lost post baby the first time). After I had our son he would always tell me how beautiful I was and how much motherhood looked good on me, even though I knew full well I was a fat cow. He appreciates me and my body for what we do and who we are, not what we look like. I could never see him making such an insensitve comment to me.

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  • We have been married 14 years and together about 19.  He said he would not comment about my weight if I were knocking lamps off the tables with my butt.
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