High-Risk Pregnancy

GD & Lent are not good friends!

I'm stuck with a peanut butter sandwich today because most of what I have at home has meat in it.  I can't just have pasta since there's no protein in that.  If it weren't for the snow, I'd go to Subway and get a tuna hoagie but the roads and nasty and I'd waste my whole lunch break getting there and back.  Ugh.

I meant to make hard boiled eggs last night but I fell asleep on the couch and it never happened.  Oh well.

Re: GD & Lent are not good friends!

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    I think you get a free pass if you're pg.
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    what about cheese quesadillas?  They have some super low carb whole wheat tortillas that you can have.  I can have 3-4 (I know that's a lot at one time) with cheese and my numbers are super low after.
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    Yeah, I know that it's one of the exceptions...but I'm still trying to not eat meat on Fridays (even though I had a little last Friday for lunch because it's all I had).  I'm not doing any of the fasting, though and I've really only given up chocolate milk.  I usually do so much more for Lent but it's a lot harder this year.
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    what about cheese quesadillas?  They have some super low carb whole wheat tortillas that you can have.  I can have 3-4 (I know that's a lot at one time) with cheese and my numbers are super low after.

    Thanks!  I'll have to try that.  I wonder if I can make them in the toaster oven at work?

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    I bet you can.  I don't think it would be any different than making a sandwich in a toaster oven. 
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    I think I'll try that next week!  Smile
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    Last time I was pregnant, my priest told me that pregnant women were not held to the rules of abstinence.  Same with the ill and young children.  Your health and baby's health is more important and I'm pretty sure that He'll understand!
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    Last time I was pregnant, my priest told me that pregnant women were not held to the rules of abstinence.  Same with the ill and young children.  Your health and baby's health is more important and I'm pretty sure that He'll understand!

    Yes, you're right...and I wouldn't sacrifice baby's health...but it's hard when I'm usually a very strict follower of the Lenten rules (up until a few years ago, I went even further by fasting for a full 24 hours on fasting days instead of eating the one meal that's allowed).  As long as I can figure out a way to get my protein and stick within my numbers, I'm trying really hard to avoid meat on Fridays.

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    Last time I was pregnant, my priest told me that pregnant women were not held to the rules of abstinence.  Same with the ill and young children.  Your health and baby's health is more important and I'm pretty sure that He'll understand!

    Yes, you're right...and I wouldn't sacrifice baby's health...but it's hard when I'm usually a very strict follower of the Lenten rules (up until a few years ago, I went even further by fasting for a full 24 hours on fasting days instead of eating the one meal that's allowed).  As long as I can figure out a way to get my protein and stick within my numbers, I'm trying really hard to avoid meat on Fridays.

    I admire your dedication. 

    Maybe there are good vegetarian diabetic meals online that can point you in the right direction. Something with beans for your carb/protein.

    This whole pregnancy I've been avoiding meat at the preference of beans (i.e. I get the veggie bowl at Chipotle...stuff like that). I don't know why. I'm your typical "meat & potatoes" kind of gal. 

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    FISH sweetie!! Eat FISH!! Yum. Lenten fish frys!
    ~*~Meghann~*~ Type 1, insulin dependant diabetic for 11 years using a pump and sensor. wedding countdown Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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