High-Risk Pregnancy

I am so frustrated with GD I could cry (again)

I am seriously doing ALL I can or know to keep eating right, exercise, I am taking my 7.5mg a day of meds, I don't get it. My fasting # have not been below 95 since saturday and I was suprised about that. Now its 103-134. Even today every meal was high and I was totally within carb range. I did have an extra snack to tie me over to dinner (fiber granola bar-15g of carbs) so I took 1 carb count from dinner. Dinner was 152! (Whole grain tacos 5g each, a little more than half cup brocolli and 4 nacho chips) whole meal maybe 30g of carbs! I've had this meal before and its less! So for snack I'm going to make a hard boiled egg and a piece of cheese. No carbs. I'm so stuck. I just increased the meds yesterday---but yesterday I had a better # day. I really hate this! Makes me feel awful! I want to enjoy being pregnant but more and more I want the LO to arrive. :(

Re: I am so frustrated with GD I could cry (again)

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    Hi, Jaclyn,

    I have a feeling I'm going to be in the same boat.  I was dx early at 23 weeks, and my fastings have always been an issue.  I'm on metformin now, 500 mg in am, 1000 mg in pm.  I'm hoping it'll get things under control, but worry that since I was dx early, my numbers are only going to go up the further along I get.

    I wish I had something to suggest.  Do you get to follow up with a nutritionist?  Maybe you could go over your food log with them to see if they have any suggestions? 

    Good luck~

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    Hi, Jaclyn,

    I have a feeling I'm going to be in the same boat.  I was dx early at 23 weeks, and my fastings have always been an issue.  I'm on metformin now, 500 mg in am, 1000 mg in pm.  I'm hoping it'll get things under control, but worry that since I was dx early, my numbers are only going to go up the further along I get.

    I wish I had something to suggest.  Do you get to follow up with a nutritionist?  Maybe you could go over your food log with them to see if they have any suggestions? 

    Good luck~


    I saw the dietiican once and been talking to my OB and MFM weekly. I'm not a big fan of the dietician so my OB wasn't pushing me to see her again. I wonder if I should call the MFM office today or give it another couple of days. I am home today so im' going to do some errands and exercise more today, maybe that will help. My fasting# this AM was terrible at 120 so I'm just getting so frustrated and feel so defeated. :(


    GL to you too! do you just have GD or type 2? why are you on met and not glyburide or insulin?

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    I am right there with you!  I have a tough time with my AM numbers as well, and am now on so much insulin, I feel like I am constantly sticking myself with needles.


    My dr continually reminds me that there is NOTHING that I am doing wrong, it is just what happens with GD.

     I was also dx early at 22 weeks, and have been dealing with it for a while.  

    Good luck!  I hope everything works out for you!

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    GL to you too! do you just have GD or type 2? why are you on met and not glyburide or insulin?

    I have GD.  My dr only rx'ed metfomin - didn't really give me an option, aside from insulin or metfomin.  I figured I'd try the met since it was available in a lower dose.  I'm guessing I'll end up on insulin, though.

    I did just realize that the yogurt parfait my dietitian recommended for a pm snack spikes my numbers.  I had it for breakfast today instead, and got a reading of 170!  So, I'm hoping that removing that from my diet may help?  Popcorn always helps my fasting numbers, although it kills my stomach.  I had just that for my snack last night and got a 94 fasting.  Guess I'll be eating more of that from now on...


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    I know you are also concerned with keytones but have you considered just going to a very very low carb diet and then adding in different carbs at different times to see which ones work for you.

    And by very very low carb I mean 

    bf: 2-3 eggs, 2 sasuage

    lunch: salad with chicken and veggies

    dinner: protein serving with veggies and sf jello

    Then for snacks do something like nuts, pb, cheese

    That way you can get your numbers in line and then add on carbs as you see that you can handle them. 

    When I am not taking my mid-day insulin I literally can eat no carbs at dinner to make it without going over. 

    GL! Oh and you might want to consider insulin. 

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    I know you are also concerned with keytones but have you considered just going to a very very low carb diet and then adding in different carbs at different times to see which ones work for you.

    And by very very low carb I mean 

    bf: 2-3 eggs, 2 sasuage

    lunch: salad with chicken and veggies

    dinner: protein serving with veggies and sf jello

    Then for snacks do something like nuts, pb, cheese

    That way you can get your numbers in line and then add on carbs as you see that you can handle them. 

    When I am not taking my mid-day insulin I literally can eat no carbs at dinner to make it without going over. 

    GL! Oh and you might want to consider insulin. 


    And this doesn't make you hungry? I am hungry every 2-3 hrs. And if you take out carbs, don't your ketones spike?

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    I know you are also concerned with keytones but have you considered just going to a very very low carb diet and then adding in different carbs at different times to see which ones work for you.

    And by very very low carb I mean 

    bf: 2-3 eggs, 2 sasuage

    lunch: salad with chicken and veggies

    dinner: protein serving with veggies and sf jello

    Then for snacks do something like nuts, pb, cheese

    That way you can get your numbers in line and then add on carbs as you see that you can handle them. 

    When I am not taking my mid-day insulin I literally can eat no carbs at dinner to make it without going over. 

    GL! Oh and you might want to consider insulin. 


    And this doesn't make you hungry? I am hungry every 2-3 hrs. And if you take out carbs, don't your ketones spike?

    If you eat enough protein then no you shouldn't be hungry all the time. Protein is filling.  Taking out carbs won't give you ketones.  You get ketones if your body isn't getting enough to sustain itself, but it's not because of the carbs or no carbs. 

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    I know you are also concerned with keytones but have you considered just going to a very very low carb diet and then adding in different carbs at different times to see which ones work for you.

    And by very very low carb I mean 

    bf: 2-3 eggs, 2 sasuage

    lunch: salad with chicken and veggies

    dinner: protein serving with veggies and sf jello

    Then for snacks do something like nuts, pb, cheese

    That way you can get your numbers in line and then add on carbs as you see that you can handle them. 

    When I am not taking my mid-day insulin I literally can eat no carbs at dinner to make it without going over. 

    GL! Oh and you might want to consider insulin. 


    And this doesn't make you hungry? I am hungry every 2-3 hrs. And if you take out carbs, don't your ketones spike?

    If you eat enough protein then no you shouldn't be hungry all the time. Protein is filling.  Taking out carbs won't give you ketones.  You get ketones if your body isn't getting enough to sustain itself, but it's not because of the carbs or no carbs. 


    So far today I had 2 eggs w/cheese, 1 toast w/PB, and bacon. Snack 1cup cottage cheese and some blueberries. My snack was 1 1/2 hours ago and now I'm feeling myself getting a little hungry. I guess I could have had more bacon for breakfast.

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    If you eat enough to sustain yourself you shouldn't get keytones. Protein is filling, I actually find I eat less when I eat more protein. But cutting carbs will help with your sugars.


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    I was told by my dietician to only have carbs with 1 of my heavier meals and proteins and veggies for other meals ..

    try more non carb options .. i love tacos but i opt to not eat the shells or tortillas sort of like a bunless burger

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