High-Risk Pregnancy

good news! 32 week growth and NST

I had my 32 week growth scan and a non-stress test today.  Everything looks perfect with the babies, and they were both measuring about 3 lbs, 14-15 oz.  I passed the NST no problem.

The best news, though, is that I'm now allowed 2 hours of activity A DAY!  So I can do some errands, light chores, cooking...  I am so excited!  I'm still a bedrest mama, of course, because I have to spend the other 22 hours a day lying down, but at least I get to interact with the rest of the world.  And at 34 weeks, I will have no more restrictions at all.  I can make it 2 more weeks, I know it.

I am just so glad to have made it here, and I feel like my OB expects things to continue uneventfully, which gives me hope.  So here's hoping we make it to at least 36 weeks!

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