High-Risk Pregnancy

New, how concerned should I be?

I've been having severe, doubling over pain in my left hip/lower back/lower abdominal area several times a day for about 2-3 weeks and have been to the docs several times to try and figure out what was wrong.  After many tests, they've concluded I've been having contractions.  The doctor said my cervix is softer than it should be for 22 weeks, but didn't say how soft.  She said the length was either 4mm or 4cm, I can't remember, but she didn't seem too concerned about it.  She gave me some tocolytic medicine to stop the contractions, and I haven't had any pain since.  I was put in the hospital overnight for observation (baby is fine, and I wasn't contracting).  I'm currently at home on bed rest for the next week, and then she'll do a follow-up appointment and we'll see from there.  I just know it's so early to be having a scare like this and I hope it turns out to be nothing serious... but how concerned would you be?

BTW, I'm also in a foreign country where the language is very difficult for me.

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Re: New, how concerned should I be?

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    I don't know much about the contractions since I have only had BH, but 4cm cervix is great.  Most are about that length.  They get concerned when it is under 2.5. 
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    I agree with the previous post that 4cm is a great length for your cervix. If you think you are having contractions you will want to make sure your doc watches it closely though because it can change quickly. You may want to ask if they can check it again in two weeks to see if it changed in length.
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