High-Risk Pregnancy


Does your sugar go up when you drink milk? Mine does sometimes. I REALLLLLLLLLLY want chocolate milk so I think I am going to go buy sugar free chocolate syrup.


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    I always get high readings from milk (skim).  I think that has been the biggest shocker of this diet yet. 
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    My perinatalogist's office tells all of its patients to only drink milk with lunch and dinner when you have larger servings of protein since it makes your numbers go up. They also tell patients definitely no milk or fruit for breakfast especially! It's like the first thing they go over when introducing the diet to patients. I sometimes try to sneak in some milk with a snack though :)
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    Everyone reacts differently to milk.  I can have milk with just about every meal and not see spikes.  I have cereal with milk almost every morning and I usually get a reading of around 105 2hours after.

    If you really have a craving for it, have some milk but with some protein to balance it out and hope for the best.  :-)

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    I can have a bowl of cereal for my morning or afternoon snack and I don't see an effect on my post lunch or dinner numbers.

    If I have it first thing in the morning or as a bedtime snack-then my numbers are higher.

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