High-Risk Pregnancy

Anyone take turbutiline pills at home?

Just wondering, i am in the hospital and the procrdia i was taking did not work and the mag stopped working after several hours. Now i am on turb pills every 4 hours and so far itis helping.  One the the nurses said you can not go home with turb b/c they need to monitor your pulse?  Just wondering if anyone is on it at home and do you have to do any other monitoring.  If this works i would love to finish my bedrest at home with turb. 
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Re: Anyone take turbutiline pills at home?

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    With my 1st preg, I did take terbutaline while at home and had started taking it at the hospital.  It might be dpenedent on your dosage is why they want to keep you in the hospital.  I did monitor my pulse and blood pressure.  I can't remember what the threshold was but talk to your docs and they'll give you a better idea of all your options.

    Let us know what they say! Hope that you can go home.

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