High-Risk Pregnancy

GD ladies - after delivery question

If your glucose numbers are fine after delivery will you continue on the low carb diet?


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Re: GD ladies - after delivery question

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    Yes.  I had several elevated fasting blood sugars before pregnancy - so I will continue to work to maintain good blood sugar control in the hope of preventing and/or delaying the onset of Type II. 
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    My doctor wants me to even if my numbers are back to normal so I can loose weight faster and easier.
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    I plan on indulging a bit in the beginning on things I wanted to eat but couldn't!!! 

    But, now that it's a habit, and I'm used to counting carbs, etc- I think I will use it as a guideline if I'm not losing the weight quick enough. 

    I don't want to DIET because I plan on BFing... but I will definitely use the GD diet as a guideline in the future and make some wiser choices

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    I will definitely make wiser choices-- but I won't be as strict I plan on exercising once the baby comes.  I would rather do that and indulge once and a while
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    Probably not.  I am not high risk for type 2.  No family history and no weight issues. 
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    I'm going to try and make healthier choices and be more active once the baby comes.  I'm sure I won't go low carb a lot of the time, but the risk of having type 2 later in life scares me a lot.  There is no history of diabetes in my family and I am not overweight, but I still worry that because of GD I could develop diabetes. I want to do what I can to prevent that from happening. 
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    I'd like to say yes, I will...but that's not entirely true.I'll probably be much more mindful and make better choices often. But I can't say that I'll be as strict.

    Although, the scary statistic I heard today makes me a little more prone to continuing the meal plans. 

    I heard: Women who have GD have a 90% chance of developing diabetes in the next 10 years. And 50% of those will develop it in the next 5 years. 

    Sensible eating and exercise are my friend.

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    I'd like to say yes, I will...but that's not entirely true.I'll probably be much more mindful and make better choices often. But I can't say that I'll be as strict.

    Although, the scary statistic I heard today makes me a little more prone to continuing the meal plans. 

    I heard: Women who have GD have a 90% chance of developing diabetes in the next 10 years. And 50% of those will develop it in the next 5 years. 

    Sensible eating and exercise are my friend.

    There is a range on that statistic - depending on which source you consult.  My doctor said there is a 50% chance of developing it w/in 10 years.  But she also said lifestyle plays a huge role - as you said - sensibile eating and exercise are our friends.  Just wanted to give you a bit of hope that not everyone sees the statitics as quite that bad - although I will still work just as hard to prevent it....

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    yea, the stats can really be off depending on your prepg wt and health condition. 

    i will pay more attention to the simple sugars i eat and try to maintain a balance of protien (a weakness of mine).  i will get a hgA1c blood test done yearly too.

    BUT, i will bf again so i HAVE to eat even more bfing than pg.  really hard to maintain gd diet in that case!  with dd, i couldn't eat enough and got in trouble by ob at 4 months pp for being too thin.  i made a ton of milk and burned silly amt of calories.  you ladies *think* you are hungry now, just wait till you bf!

    i talked to an endocrinogist about it the other day.  he said that later in life i could have the same 'insulin resistance' like in pg so i should take this as a wake up call for bad genetics in my case BUT that my risks (being healthy wt and active) put the risks at less than 50%.  b/c of that, i will start working out more regularly even though my weight is fine just to help decrease my insulin resistance.

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