Orange County Babies

Rec Gates

DD has started crawling and walking with a push toy. Any recs on gates for stairs. Also any other baby proofing recs. We plan on not baby proofing that much and instead teaching limits more but we have never had a baby before so it would be nice to know how you baby proofed your home.

Re: Rec Gates

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    We didn't get gates because we have no stairs. But as far as other baby-proofing, we basically plugged up all electrical outlets with plastic inserts. And I put something to hold shut the cabinets that had cleaners. Other than that we just keep telling her "no" and "dangerous."
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    We have two of these gates in doorways downstairs, one of which leads to the bathroom and the bottom of the stairs:

    At the top of the stairs, we have this one, I think, because the extensions made it the bigger size we needed:

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    We don't have stairs but we have the Safety 1st gate like this one.  I don't think it would be ideal for stairs although we love the gate.  It keeps both DD and the dog in the house - we use it on the front door (no screen).

    We didn't really need to do any form of 'baby proofing' in the house.  DD knows the drawers/cabinets she is allowed to get into.  All the cleaning products are up with the laundry anyway but overall she doesn't get into much (and our house isn't that large).  I think we've been fairly lucky with her and it's a combination of teaching limits and her not-so-nosy character.  We're not opposed to proofing and will do if it's necessary with #2, up to this point we haven't had to take action.  As your DD gets more mobile, I'd see how much she's into things and proof on an as needed basis. 

    forcing sisterly love since 07.06.10
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    We didn't really need to do any form of 'baby proofing' in the house.  DD knows the drawers/cabinets she is allowed to get into.  All the cleaning products are up with the laundry anyway but overall she doesn't get into much (and our house isn't that large).  I think we've been fairly lucky with her and it's a combination of teaching limits and her not-so-nosy character.  We're not opposed to proofing and will do if it's necessary with #2, up to this point we haven't had to take action.  As your DD gets more mobile, I'd see how much she's into things and proof on an as needed basis. 

    I think you got really lucky with her!  My DD knows what she is not supposed to get into, and looks right at you as she goes for it!

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    I think you got really lucky with her!  My DD knows what she is not supposed to get into, and looks right at you as she goes for it!

    We really think we did.  We have a good sized drawer in the middle of of the kitchen that is dedicated to all her cups, bowls & kitchen stuff.  It is within her reach and instead of constantly hearing 'no, don't touch', she has full ownership of it.  I think it helps (maybe?).    

    Without a doubt, #2 is going to make me eat my words though.  In fact, that's probably a guarantee, right? lol    
    forcing sisterly love since 07.06.10
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