My cycle is usually like clockwork. ?It is always 28 days, and I always O on CD 14. ?I have a disgusting amount of EWCW which usually starts 2-3 days before I get a positive OPK.
Well, not this month. ?I had quite a bit of EWCW two days ago, but since then it has been very minimal. ?I am on CD 13 and still no positive OPK. ?What would you do if you were me? ?Should I start to BD daily just in case my body and the OPKs are off and risk being completely worn out by the time I actually do O? ?Or wait to BD until I get more signs of O day coming and risk missing it? ?I am so confused! ??
Re: My body is confusing me
i'd vote for BD'ing e/o/d until you get a + opk.
Yeah- I guess that is the obvious answer. ?I just worry because DH and I are always so busy and I don't want to be dreading having sex on the day we do conceive our child (IF it were to happen this month). ?Oh well... I guess exhaustion is a small price to pay to get KU.
Thanks ladies!?
-m/c at 11w2d due to partial molar 2008 -m/c #2 2009
Beautiful daughter born February 2011
**Ultimate TTCALer 2009**