If he's not here before then!
He is due June 20th, but I asked today about inducing just a *tad* earlier, and he said I could pick a Monday or a Friday. Monday would have been really early, I just wanted a couple days before so that his birthday wouldn't run into other birthdays in our family, and also because if he's late, then my parents won't be able to come visit him/us until the next month. So I'm scheduled for Friday, June 18th :-)
Re: Baby is scheduled to be born June 18th!
Congrads on June 18th.
I'm having a c/s on July 5th (38 weeks with twins is as far as I can go with my Doc) if I don't go into labor ealier. Feels good knowing the date.
Carter Robert 7.18.08 | Brynn Sophia 5.24.10 | Reid Joseph 9.10.12 | Emerson Mae 1.27.14
I refuse to be induced! I have heard horror stories about negative effects of the drug they use (pitocin if thats how u sp it) Ill be going c section before they go near me with induction. Why is it a problem if the baby has the same birthday as other people? If i go the following week of my due date (may 31) this baby i having the same birthday as someone (starting June 2nd til the 6th we have someone with a birthday each of those days)
Its really not a big deal.
The proper spelling is congrats not congrads! And seriously? You are having twins therefore you have a medical reason! She is electing to be induced. Stupid as far as I am concerned.
I don't understand why you would induce unless medically necessary...
I had to be induced at 38w with DD, because of Cholestasis of pregnancy, which can increase the risk for stillborn. According to statistics, I'm likely to develop this condition in any following pregnancies, so I MAY have to be induced again, but I will certainly not CHOOSE to be induced if I do not develop cholestasis again.
DD2 8.22.13
MMC 1.4.17 at 16w
Expecting #3, EDD 1.29.18
If our baby comes "late," he may be born on either my birthday, my husbands, my dads, or my brothers... but we don't mind! Due dates are just an estimate. Babies have a gestation period of 265-300 days, meaning your little one should come anytime two-three weeks before to two weeks after your due date. Induction seems unnecessarily risky and really, just flat-out selfish.
I had a fast aging placenta and had to be induced early with my first, and I am praying that everything goes smoothly this time so I don't have to be induced again. The side effects of the drugs were horrible. Caused my Blood pressure to spike and I was throwing up the whole time.
I have the same birthday as my uncle, and my daughter has the same birthday as my sister. There are several other family members who share birthdays, and we love it! I am really hoping this baby is born on my grandmother's birthday, but there is no way i am going to induce myself to make it happen!! What is meant to be will be, and the baby will be here when it is ready.
Wow..Uh..I dont have anything negative to say but you ladies are harsh >.< theres one thing to disagree and another to attack :
As for PP I agree it would be nice to know an exact date LO will be born..but I'm willing to let my daughter choose her own.. And I will be working up until labor
My doctor's office refuses to induce early without a medical reason. This is just ridiculous.
I have the same birthday as my father and it's always been our special day together. I don't understand why someone would think a baby should arrive on the mother's terms and not the baby's.
Ahem..Ignore me I cant read..
I had a great experience with induction but my water broke so they had no choice. I was 36w4d so a bit early! I also had a friend who was induced 2 days overdue and after 40 hours of labor had a c-section. It can go either way.
No flames from me. Most people will not agree with your reasoning but it sounds like you have talked to your doctor about this and made the decision together. I don't make a point to flame people on their birthing choice.
She meant that the OP is 4 months from her EDD, and already put it on the schedule... Not that she was being induced 4 months before her EDD.
please tell me you're not that dumb.
Ahem. She is scheduling the induction 4 months ahead of her due date. I know that she isn't electing to be induced 4 months before.
I was just going to say this. If your body hasn't shown any signs of going into labor there's a pretty good chance that you're going to have a failed induction and sent home. Or worse, have an emergency c/s. To be a good candidate for a successful induction your body has to have at least started to prepare for labor... dilation, effacement, ect.
Try posting on the third tri... there's been a lot of failed inductions on there lately.
DD2 8.22.13
MMC 1.4.17 at 16w
Expecting #3, EDD 1.29.18
slc2b meant that she is SCHEDULING it 4 months ahead, so she doesn't even know if it will be a big baby or some other medical reason to induce before her due date.
OMG so funny. Someone actually thought she was having this done 4 months ahead of time??? LOL This has to be a mistake....?
She meant that she had scheduled the induction 4 months in advance... at a time when you don't know if it's necessary or not due to the baby's size.....
I also would like to know WHY? Most twins don't go beyond 37 weeks, but every day I am praying that they stay in here as long as possible and until they are ready!
Okay people. Seriously. I said that she is scheduling to be induced 2 days ahead of her EDD now, which is 4 months before her due date. No one thought she was really going to be induced 4 months before her due date.
Hehe, no worries It seems the whole thing got a bit discombobulated!
Well, then it was a mistake like I said. People read it wrong.?
Haha, I figured I'd get backlash from this. And then I walked away from the post and forgot all about it.
I was induced with DS#1. It was fine.
This is my choice, my body, and my Dr. said, "yes absolutely". Sorry you girls have a problem with it. *shrug*
It's all of 2 days. If it can be scheduled, WONDERFUL. I have no family here to help with anything.
Cam 6.6.10 - Autism, Global Developmental Delay, Mixed Receptive/Expressive Communication Disorder