Birth Stories

Paxton's early arival!

Paxton James arrived on 2/9 morning at 8:48am via c-section. He weighed 6 lbs 11 oz and was 19 1/2 inches is his story.

 Mr. Paxton had given me quite a run for my money lately.  I had been put on bed rest at 32 weeks due to pre term contractions.( I was due March 4th) I had been recieving weekly shots to stop my contractions, which helped a bit, however they I kept having contractions. At 36 weeks I was allowed to walk around once a day, and I did. I went to babies R us to get some last minute items for the baby, as I felt like he could be coming soon.  That night I felt very strong but painless contractions and I felt intense pressure in my pelvis, but didnt think much of this and went to bed. I woke up at 630AM to my water breaking. I called the doctor and was told to come to labor and delivery as soon as possible.  I took a quick shower and off we went. I didnt have a travel bag ready or anything so I threw a bunch of clothes and socks into a bag and DH and I ran out the door. I got to labor and delivery around 7:30 and they did an ultrasound to confirm that the baby was still breech and I was wheeled into the OR at 8:00. Everything happened so quickly. I had never had a surgery or stiches before for that matter and I had a minor melt down, but the nurses were great and so was DH. The spinal was a piece of cake, and I personally thought the worst part was the cathader (?). Paxton made his arrival at 8:45am at 36 weeks 4 days. However he is healthy, happy and a breast feeding champ! We cant wait to get home and settle into our routine. He is such a blessing from God and I cant believe he's actually here already!!

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