Cincinnati Babies

update - went to the doc today

I told him he was not a very nice man to send me home from the hospital still pregnant.  He's a great guy with a good sense of humor so he thought that was funny.  He apologized and said the peri did not recommend delivery so he couldn't induce me.  He said the nursing staff at the hospital and the staff in his office all told him he deserved for me to be mad at him Stick out tongue

At today's appt, the ultrasound tech just checked out fluid levels and cord flow.  Everything looked good.  Doc put me on bedrest and I have to see him twice a week now.  I go back on Monday.  He said if anything is off he will induce and we will not have to go through the peri.  So, I sit and wait and let the boys cook just a little bit longer.

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Re: update - went to the doc today

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