Cincinnati Babies

Jumpin Joeys update

As most of you know already know that Jumpin Joeys last day was today, with the exception of some parties tomorrow.  Although this is a sad day there is some good news.  Some of you may already know but the owner of Jumpin Joeys (Tracy) has sold the equipment to the gymnastics place on Old St Rt 74 at St Rt 32 (cant think of the name of it right now).  They said today that they want to have the place set up in their building by the end of the week. They like the idea of Jumpin Joeys and expressed their thoughts in keeping the same concept. I really liked having Jumpin Joeys in Milford, since I live in Milford, but at least Eastgate is not that far to go!

Re: Jumpin Joeys update

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    Do you mean CIA or American Eagle (they're both on Old 74, on opposite sides of 32)? Either way, they're both right by my house - I so hope they continue the JJ concept there!

    Thanks for sharing the news.

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    Are you talking about American Eagles near the Harley Davidson place.  That would be fantastic!!!
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    Ok...I didnt realize there was two places. I will see Tracy in the morning and ask specifically which one and get back to you.
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    awesome.  I'm glad that someone is going to continue this.  DD loves it there.
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    Ok..found out its the CIA place. 
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    Great!!  Thanks for the update!
    Jennie Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    Also, when we were there for the play date, some people from jump zone were there watching and scoping things out and Tracey said they are thinking about putting in a room with the same concept as JJ also!!  She had told me about CIA also!  This is exciting!
    Our kids are 19mths apart and we LOVE it!!

    Married to my BFF on 8.13.05 (after dating 5 years)!

    DS born 2.14.08. DD born 9.30.09.

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    Yea!  I have never been with DD but she is getting close to an age where she could enjoy it...and I live in Anderson so I am close to the new loctaion!

    Thanks for the update!

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    I had my sons 2nd birthday there today and it was very sad to leave.  I hope JJs continues to be the same idea. 
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