Cincinnati Babies

Just found out kiddie kandids closed...

Appearently they went bankrupt.  I really liked taking my son there because they took good pics and you were able to get them back the same day. Does anyone have any suggestions of any place similar to Kiddie Kandids?  I want to get his 2 years pics done soon.

Re: Just found out kiddie kandids closed...

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    I never tried KK, but Portrait Innovations does pretty much the same thing.  I have had good experiences with them, but haven't been in over a year.  I also love Patrick Banfield.  $125 for a CD will full rights to print what you want.  He is amazing.  I also love riabiron's work (local Bumpie).  She did our 1 year anniversary pics and they were fabulous.  Punkrawkmom also takes absolutely stunning photos.  I don't have her website on this puter, but trust me...stunning.   Nestie Jigginjessica is up and coming with some really amazing family and kid pics.  You can't go wrong with any of them.
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    We use Picture People.... the location at Kenwood Mall.

     I love it because there are no sitting fees, and you're not required to buy anything. There are always coupons for 20% off and the sheets are $16. I don't mind spending money if it's a big event (newborn, 1st bday, etc) but we are doing 3,6,9 month, etc so it's nice to get great pics and not spend a lot of money.

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    I second Portrait Innovations.  There are no sitting fees and you just pay by the sheet.  Photos and CD are available the same day (within an hour or so). They've done well for us.
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    We also have used Portrait Innovations.  Are you on FB?  Send me a friend request and there are albums with what B's pictures look like from PI...  If not, I can email you links to his albums.
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    We went to Portrait Innovations for his 1st bday pics.  I really liked them, but they were expensive, only because we bought way too many!!! Thats a newbie mom for ya. I love KK because you could get a package for $99 and pick any pose on any sheet you wanted.  I will look up some of your guys suggested and call around too.  Thank you!
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