Cincinnati Babies

Turks and Caicos

Anyone been there?  We are thinking this is our destination for our 5th anniversary.  Just wondering if anyone else has been there?
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Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Re: Turks and Caicos

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    No...but can I come too????  :-)  If it has a beach and can't be bad, right?
    Jennie Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    Hah...It has a beach, alcohol, AND free (drop in and out) daycare.  Who could want anything more.
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    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
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    we went on a cruise for our honeymoon and one of our stops was at grand turk.  hopefully there is more to do on the rest of the island than there was there.  although, i think grand turk is a carnival exclusive.  all there was was a few shops and a margaritaville.  it was the most overpriced margaritaville i've ever been to.  the service was horrible and so was the service.

    there are more towns on the island though!

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    I have coworkers who have been to the Beaches resort and LOVED it.  They did not have any kids with them, so I was hoping to find a review with kids involved.  I am already putting cash into savings for this.  I can't wait.
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    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
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    i'm not gonna lie, i'm definitely a little jealous of your vacation.
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    ::coming out of the woodwork::

    Turks and Caicos is a luxurious island location. Grace Bay is supposed to be amazing, and where I would suggest staying. It is in fact a fairly expensive island to go to. The travel board may be able to help you out with this. It's less touristy than some other caribbean islands, quieter, etc.

    I'm jealous (especially since DH and I just canceled our vacation that was for May)!!

    ETA: Grand Turk isn't a Carnival exclusive island, it's just the island that the cruise ships go into, so it's more touristy, etc. You probably want to check into Providenciales, part of the Caicos islands (rather than Turks and Boutique islands). Check this website out: 

    Not sure if you know of this website (just enter the place you want to go to), but also check out:
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    This was a port of call on one of our cruises.  LOVED it.  Very unspoiled, not terribly developed yet.  The people were so welcoming and lovely.  We would like to go back. My only caveat though is that there is not a whole lot to do or see other than beach so if sight seeing is your thing this might not be the best spot. They are supposed to have fantastic diving though if you Scuba.
    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
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    I've known a few people to go and they all LOVED it.
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    We stayed there on our honeymoon. It was very tropical and the beaches and water were BEAUTIFUL!! We stayed at the at the Northwest Point resort. It is, you guessed it, on the nortwest point of the island Provo. VERY secluded, there was an unlit gravel road to get there. The resort was very nice but I wouldn't recomend it if you have kids. There is really nothing on that end of the island. The island is still growing so to speak so there is a lot of building. Keep that in mind when you are booking a resort. The restaurants are great but kind of pricey. Da Conch Shack was our favorite. If you go, you need to try and snorkel. You can walk right off many of the beaches and it's amazing. We had a great time!! Let me know if you want any more information.
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    Its amazing. My favorite beaches on the planet! We stayed at Beaches, and its great for kids. There is a ton for them to do and see, lots of different pools and activities. I really dont think you can ask for a better family vacation spot. Obviously, we dont have kids and it was great for us too. There are enough night activities if you decide to have adult time too - bars are open late enough. Page me if you want any other info!
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