Cincinnati Babies

Lucas went to the allergist today...

...and he has outgrown his nut allergy!! They gave us no hope a year ago, but our prayers have been answered!

He did his food challenge in the office, and showed no signs of a reaction. And he loved the peanut butter!

He is, however, oddly allergic to cod now. So until we have another blood test done, we have to avoid that. We still need to carry our epipen for the cod allergy. But whereas a nut allergy can cause death within minutes, a cod allergy if far less severe.

We are so happy!! There is hope for all the peanut allergic kids on here!

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Re: Lucas went to the allergist today...

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    Wow, that is awesome news!!!
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    That's great news!  Hope it makes life a lot easier on you now.
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    I have tears of joy!!!!

    That is amazing for you and selfishly I am holding out hope for Brooke. I think I asked on FB, but haven't been on there today to see your answer - where do you take him?

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    We take him to Patricia Ghory. She is wonderful! Efficient and straight to the point.

    I pray for all the little ones with food allergies. It is a hard life! Thank god cod isn't too hard to avoid!

    imageLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    Congrats Sarah! I used to date a guy in college who had a terrible nut allergy (I couldn't eat PB and give him a kiss until I brushed my teeth!). Glad you won't have to deal with that craziness!
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    That's great news! Cod is a lot easier to avoid than peanuts. :)

    Photo by Melissa Nicole Photography

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    That such great news!  We take Hudson to Patricia Ghory also, and really like her.  
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    That is beyond wonderful news!! Bring on some PB and J. :) Your life just became a lot easier and less stressful (in that way at least ;)

    Happy for you!

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    Oh hooray! What amazing news for you!
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    What a huge relief, hard to keep kids out of peanuts once they get older. Celebrate with a reeses cup:)
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    That's wondeful news! 
    Photos courtesy of Jen Rose Photography
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    That is amazing!!  I am so happy for you!
    Married 12.27.03

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    That's wonderful news!!!  Our DD is also allergic to nuts (and eggs).  I have been hoping she grows out of the egg b/c they too told us it would be unlikely she would outgrow the nut gave us hope!!!! 
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    SO incredibly happy for you!!!!!!!!!

    I have to admit that I am super jealous.  The allergist told me not to hold my breath about my son growing out of the nut allergy because it's only up to 20% of people that do.  It's such a scary way to have to go through life. 

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