Cincinnati Babies

supchicy- one more thing...

Have you given Brooke cereal?

We went ahead and have been giving S cereal for about 2 weeks, and as soon as we did, he started sleeping better. Not sure if the two are related, but it's worth a shot!

Also, are you BF? If so, are you eating plenty of protein? I notice that helps too...

Just tryin' to help!

Re: supchicy- one more thing...

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    ::butting in::

    I saw your earlier post and I really feel for you.  I think you got lots of advice.... but if you are looking for a white noise/music machine, this one really helped us-

    We still use it, and it's available at different stores.  I used BB&B because I had my 20% off coupon so it was $16.  However, I'd probably pay the $30 on amazon or so because it is worth it's weight in gold.  It has 6 different noises/songs (3 white noise/3 songs), 3 different "movies", and a timer- 15, 30, 45, or 60 minutes.  Brandon still falls asleep to it every night.  Wishing you some sleep sometime soon!

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    Thanks guys!  I do have a white noise machine, but for some reason her favorite noise is our hair dryer.  When we were desperate to get her to sleep, we'd sit in the bathroom with it on until she fell asleep, and I finally rooted around on itunes and found an hour-long "song" of a hair dryer that I put on repeat. 

    Melissa, we haven't started cereal but I was given the blessing by our pediatrician to go ahead last week, so we're going to try this weekend.  I stopped BFing b/c I just couldn't get my supply up and pumping while on no sleep was killing me.  I was choosing either to pump for 20 min or sleep for 20 minutes before she was up again.  I chose sleep!  We are unfortunately now on Nutramigen which we just transitioned to. Sad I am hoping cereal helps too!  Thanks for all the suggestions.  I know she'll eventually sleep, I just hope it's before she turns 18!

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