Cincinnati Babies

Target carseats returned! Now what to get?

So I returned the Graco carseats to Target that I got last week b/c of the height problem... now what to get?  Charlotte is getting the Evenflo Triumph Advance Ava is in currently, and Ava is getting a new seat... what are good options for a 3-in-1? 

ETA: The ones I've looked at online are the Graco Nautilus 3-in-1, Britax Frontier, Evenflo Generations and one other I am forgetting.  Anyone have any of these?  Also is there an age requirement on these seats?  She meets the weight/height requirements, but I didn't know if there as an age requirement or recommendation and I can't find the answer to that question.  Anyone know?

Ava Caroline 8.27.07 I Charlotte Grace 5.18.09 I Lila Katherine 1.20.11


Re: Target carseats returned! Now what to get?

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    We will be getting the nautilus soon. I have heard nothing but great things about it.
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    Kessler -- I looked this up in Baby Bargains.  Their recommendation for a harness 3-in-1 combo seat is the Graco Nautilus.  They give it an A, and list no "cons" in the book.

    The Evenflo Generations seat gets a D.  Their biggest con is that it received a "Not Recommended" rating from the IIHS (Insurance Institute for Highway Safety) due to its "poor fit for kids".  Plus, the harness feature is only available up to 40 lbs (not 65 like the Graco).

    The Britax Frontier received a C.  They say it falls short when compared to the Graco because even though the Britax has a higher weight limit (85 lbs vs. 65), the Graco has a higher top harness slot.  They say kids will outgrow the height for the Frontier seat way before they ever reach 85 lbs.  They also say it's tough to install, has twisty straps, and a high price it's wider than the Graco, which is a big deal if you have a smaller vehicle.

    As far as age requirements or recommendations, they say that these 3-in-1 seats are designed for toddlers that have outgrown their convertible seats, but are not mature enough or old enough for a booster.  So, Ava fits in that category.

    There's a few more seats mentioned in the book, but nothing comes close to the Graco Nautilus in price or features.

    ETA: The book I have is the 8th edition, the most recent one published in 2009.

    Justin Thomas joined us on 8.4.07
    Tyler Anthony arrived on 9.21.09
    The Chronicles of Justin and Tyler
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    We have the Nautilus for DS. He's been in it since this past summer. I'm not sure about the weight/height requirements. I know when we got it we planned on him having it for a long time.
    Photos taken by Becky Thompson
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