Cincinnati Babies

NBR: Lets talk skincare ladies :)

More specifically, legs. I inherited my mothers side of notoriously dry skin (ugh) It's a constant battle especially with my legs. Right now I can keep them hydrated okay when I put a fragrance free lotion on and then vaseline on top to seal it in but my issue is with my pores! I don't have large pores anywhere on my body except for my legs and it is so unattractive (did I say ugh?!) What do you do to keep your legs in tip top shape?

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Re: NBR: Lets talk skincare ladies :)

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    I don't have dry skin on my legs but I do have issues on my arms and I use AmLactin lotion.  I don't know if it is something you would want to use during pregnancy (it contains that a no-no?) but you may want to give it a try.  It is pretty expensive ($18/bottle) but I was desperate to find something that would help on my arms and it did.  There are some coupons on this website:

    The issue I have with my legs is breakouts after shaving.  It's so annoying and I'm not sure what to do.  My skin just hasn't been the same since pregnancy!

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    I just started using Vaseline intensive rescue clinical therapy.  I have really dry skin plus I am in the pool about 4 days a week so that worsens the situation.  I found this clinical therapy stuff at Walmart about a month ago and it has done wonders for my skin (plus a week in the warm Mexico sun.  LOL!).  I use it right after bath and swimming and it seems to do the trick.
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    In the winter, I only like Cetaphil cream on my legs.  It is the Cetaphil in the jar rather than a bottle.  It soaks in well, and twice a day keeps my alligator skin happy the whole winter.  Love it.  I also used it on my belly religiously when pg, and never got stretch marks. 
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