Cincinnati Babies

s/o proper anatomical terms

Are you teaching them to your child? At what age?

This might sound weird, but what term do you think is the right one for a girl? I know Kindergarten cop used vagina, but technically, isn't it really a know, since the vagina is internal.

Yes, I am a detail-orented perfectionist and not scared to admit it. Just curious what other people were thinking.

Re: s/o proper anatomical terms

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    We use the terms that DD has been taught to use during her therapy sessions; penis and vagina when talking about specifics and "private body places" when talking about the general areas.
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    We teach anatomical terms from the get go when we are talking about specific things (though I can't say we ever use the word vulva, just vagina, and we've had more in depth discussions about body stuff over the years and talked about labia, the clitoris, etc... my DD is pretty old and in the throes of puberty so we've had lots of talks and she's one of those kids that isn't afraid to ask lots of questions)

    and like nire when we're talking general stuff we say "private area" and I think I've heard my DH say "personal business" :) to the boys

    kinda funny - Jack doesn't say "private area" he says "privacy" like "I'm gonna go change in the bathroom so sissy doesn't see my privacy" LOL but he definitely knows the real names for his penis and testicles and doesn't hesitate to talk about them either :)

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    kinda funny - Jack doesn't say "private area" he says "privacy" like "I'm gonna go change in the bathroom so sissy doesn't see my privacy" LOL but he definitely knows the real names for his penis and testicles and doesn't hesitate to talk about them either :)

    Ryleigh says this same thing!  She'll be in the shower and say "Don't look at my privacy"  It's too cute!

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    We use the proper terms from day one.
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    Day 1 here as well (with vagina as opposed to vulva)
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    I think it's fine to use proper terms from the get go but it's whatever you are comfortable with.  I don't like the word vagina so I say "your bottom."  Yes I'll teach them to her someday, but I don't even refer to my own girl parts as a vagina... I don't reference it very often anyway, lol.  I know, I know I'm lame.

    Ava Caroline 8.27.07 I Charlotte Grace 5.18.09 I Lila Katherine 1.20.11

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    I know that you are "supposed" to teach the proper terms for body parts, but I personally don't like it.  I always called it a pp for a girl or boy and that is what I am going to have DD call it.  I have no problem with telling her what the "proper" terms are... I just think that since kids talk about things so openly that using pp makes sense.  Like we wouldn't sit at a dinner table with our acquaintances and talk openly about our penises and vaginas but kids do.  Teaching them a more "kid-friendly" term just sounds better coming out of their mouthes to me. :)

    And one of the kids I watch says "pp" over and over and over and over again during anyones and his own diaper changes and I would much rather listen to him say that then, "penis, penis, penis, penis."  haha

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    kinda funny - Jack doesn't say "private area" he says "privacy" like "I'm gonna go change in the bathroom so sissy doesn't see my privacy" LOL but he definitely knows the real names for his penis and testicles and doesn't hesitate to talk about them either :)

    Avery calls it her "privacy" too.

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    I know that you are "supposed" to teach the proper terms for body parts, but I personally don't like it.  I always called it a pp for a girl or boy and that is what I am going to have DD call it.  I have no problem with telling her what the "proper" terms are... I just think that since kids talk about things so openly that using pp makes sense.  Like we wouldn't sit at a dinner table with our acquaintances and talk openly about our penises and vaginas but kids do.  Teaching them a more "kid-friendly" term just sounds better coming out of their mouthes to me. :)

    And one of the kids I watch says "pp" over and over and over and over again during anyones and his own diaper changes and I would much rather listen to him say that then, "penis, penis, penis, penis."  haha

    That is pretty much where I am at. Oh, and you made me laugh at my desk, despite all my efforts to remain quiet. At least my coworkers closest to me have headsets on - not that they would have cared, they would have just wanted me to share what I was laughing at - uh yea, I don't think so.

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    We've been using "pee-pee" mostly because DH and I can't get the hang of calling it her vagina...especially DH. I know we have to switch soon, I just don't want to think about her yelling about her vagina in public the way she yells about her toots, lol.
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    I think it's fine to use proper terms from the get go but it's whatever you are comfortable with.  I don't like the word vagina so I say "your bottom."  Yes I'll teach them to her someday, but I don't even refer to my own girl parts as a vagina... I don't reference it very often anyway, lol.  I know, I know I'm lame.

    I don't refer to my own girl parts with the word vagina either but figure its probably not appropriate to teach DD to call it her who-ha Stick out tongue  She knows the word vagina but doesn't use it.  She usually just says her privates.  When she was little she called it her "front butt."

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