Cincinnati Babies

I'm about to raise the white flag

DD does not sleep.  She has never slept well, but she is now sleeping like when she was a newborn. It's bad enough she only naps on me (I've tried everything I can think of), but she was up every hour and a half last night.  Normally she's up 3 to 4 times a night and it takes close to an hour to get her asleep enough to lay her down.  She will be so out she's lost the pacifier and her mouth is wide open, but if  I don't wait long enough and I go to put her down she wakes right up.  Twice last night I went in and the moment I picked her up, she closed her eyes to go right back to sleep.  But if I leave her there to try to fall asleep on her own, she will just fuss and fuss and fuss until I go in there. I sometimes end up sleeping with her in her chair just so I can get some sleep, but I really don't want that to turn into a habit.

I am not sure what to try, I just got the No Cry Sleep Solution and Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Child to read over the weekend, but I have been trying to put off sleep training until 6 months.  I know she's not ready for Ferber yet.  I just don't know how much more I can take of not getting any sleep.  I find myself resenting DH because he does get sleep even though it might only be 5 hours, it's still more and longer than anything I get.  He helps out as much as he can and has gotten in the groove of the nighttime routine, but I am about to lose my ever loving mind!  Any suggestions at all would be greatly appreciated!

ETA: I meant if I don't pick her up when I got in and leave her in the crib with a paci, she will just keep fussing until I pick her up, then she's fine and will go to sleep.

Re: I'm about to raise the white flag

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    First of all, I am sorry you are having such a hard time.  I have been there too and it is just so mentally and physically exhausting.  Anthony had major sleep issues off and on since birth.  They are better now but still not fantastic.  I used HSHB as a guide but eventually had to let him CIO.  Granted he was older. 

    The biggest thing that helped me at 4 months was the swing and swaddling.  We used it for naps, nighttime, whatever it took.  We would have the swing in his room at night.  Have you tried swaddling...the miracle blanket was beyond a miracle for us.  Loved it! 

     Good Luck and I hope you get some rest soon!

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    I unfortunately have tried swaddling.  It worked great the first 3 months, now she just gets really upset in it and won't fall asleep, or when she finally does she goes crazy when she wakes up because she can't move and doesn't sleep any better.  I even tried one arm out to see if that helped.  As for the swing, she hates it.  She will tolerate it for short periods of time, but that is it.   She wasn't crazy about the bouncer either. Her mattress is propped up too for her reflux.  I'm out of ideas for this kid.  Granted, i will take no sleep over colic, a friend at work's first child screamed 12 hr/day for 7 months.  She's a gloriously happy baby when she's awake thank goodness!
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    I have this problem with my DD and she is almost 18 months. Good luck. :)
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    Not much advice here... I just wanted to say hang in there. :)

    Keep trying everything (just not cry it out yet and I don't like that anyway :p ) and you will eventually figure out what works for her!  Around 3 months we figured out that we could do our bedtime routine and then get Cecelia to sleep in her crib, then she would wake up in the middle of the night and we would bring her to our bed and she fell right back asleep until 7:00.  Around 7-8 months she just quit waking up in the middle of the night and stayed in her crib.  It worked out really well for us.  The first 3 months sucked sleep wise, but she has been an awesome sleeper since then. *Knocks on wood* :)

    Hopefully you will find something that works for you soon too!

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    Oh Girl, I wish I could give you a hug and a 3 hour nap!

    You know I totally understand. Sleep effects everything.... everyones mood, plans for the day, and day after day is just overwhelming.

    I posted about Sawyers issues a few weeks back and they have miraculously gotten better. For him, I think it was either the dreaded 4 month wakeful ( main sleeping issues got worse at 3 months  5 days) or he was just growing out of his colic. Like you, I tried everything- swaddling, sing, white noise, fussing, etc. For us, all that worked is just time. He still wakes to eat 1-2 a night, but is taking 3 naps a day now and I am now sane again.

    Just don't give up. Sleep when you can, screw the house, laundry etc....

    Thinking of you!!




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    Flame if you will but DD wouldn't go to sleep or stay asleep until we started putting her on her belly.

    Could you and DH take night is his the next is yours?  You have got to start getting some sleep too!

    Hang in there...easier said than done but it will get better.

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    Oh and two things that def. helped were white noise (oscilating fan in is room) and this bubble crib soother thing.


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    Here are few other ideas:

    - Belly sleeping (I say go for it!)

    - Wrapping her in something with your perfume on it, so she smells you.

    - Could you lay down with her for nap time? That was you could rest too?

       Also, sometimes If I hold Sawyer for naps. I try to get everything ready first- pillow behind my head, blanket over my feet, water in a glass- so I can at least get some rest.

    - Putting her in the carset and setting it on the dryer and see if the vibrations help ( you have to stand there, but once she falls asleep you could set her down?)

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    Also, have you ever tried warming the blanket a little in the dryer?

    I figured this out one day when I was folding laundry and laid the warm towels on S- he loved it.

    Now we do this every once in a while with his blanket.


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    Melissa, I haven't tried her on the dryer yet.  I do try to nap when she naps, but for some reason once I'm up in the morning, I'm not able to fall asleep.  I work all afternoon so I'm SOL then.  It's really the evening and getting up in the morning where this is killing me.  Well and I'm also drinking tons of caffeine to make it through the day, so that doesn't help with naps for me either!  I have definitely slacked on housework and all that.  DH has thankfully taken care of the household necessities.  It's encouraging though that Sawyer grew out of it.  Brooke is just a couple weeks behind him, so maybe she'll follow in his footsteps!  I just try to keep telling myself that someday she will sleep!

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