Minnesota Babies

Maternity Pants that are longer than 34" inseam

I am in desperate need of denim jeans that are actually longer than 34" inseam. I have tried Motherhood Maternity's "long" which are too short, Old Navy is too short, Gap is long enough but too expensive. Anyone have any luck at other places and if so, what malls?

Re: Maternity Pants that are longer than 34" inseam

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    Tall Girl at MOA

    this is what they have online for pants


    36" inseam

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    Tall Girl at MOA

    sorry but I believe that store closed a few months ago 

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    I have a 36" inseam and completely feel your pain!  When I was pregnant I was wearing capris well into the fall, because I literally couldn't find pants.

    Just start searching e-bay.  I agree that GAP maternity pants are too expensive, but they are honestly the only ones I ever eventually found that fit.  I watched e-bay quite a bit in order to get reasonable prices on them.  I didn't want to pay more than $20/pair, and I was able to find several sellers that I could get them at that price.

    Good luck!

    (and yes, Tall Girl closed)

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    I was just in a gap maternity in woodbury and some pants were 50% off and i got a pair for $30....this time of the year is a great time for clearance.  however i am a short length, so i have the opposite problem, everything is too long.
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    Gap was the only place I found them that were long enough.  I was willing to spend the extra money to be comfortable in the pants I was wearing.  And if you're thinking of having more than one child it may be worth the investment.  I also found some elsewhere and had them lengthend.

    Children Photography Photo Credit: Heather Barta Photography

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    Tall Girl at MOA

    sorry but I believe that store closed a few months ago 

    I didn't even know! Tells you how much I go to MOA! 

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    Tall Girl at MOA

    sorry but I believe that store closed a few months ago 

    I didn't even know! Tells you how much I go to MOA! 

    Oh don't worry about it, it tells you have often I am at the MOA :) 

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    I would have lived in sweats throughout my pregnancy if it was not for this site:   https://rgmaternity.com/  They are a small company so they don't have a large inventory, but their customer service is awesome and their pants are great.  A little more expensive than Gap and Old Navy but totally worth it!!


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    I've gotta go with Gap like the rest.  I thought they were expensive at first, but after I wore them they were worth every penny.  I had two pair and I pretty much wore them all the time along with another pair from Motherhood Maternity, which were not nearly as comfortable or cute.  Look online for sales!  I even wore mine for a month or two after the baby was born until I could fit into some old jeans again.  So I got about 8 months or so out of them.
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    I don't know about you but when I was pregnant I wanted to look as good as I could.  I feel it is worth it to splurge and buy one favorite pair of jeans.  YOu will wear them a ton.
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