Pennsylvania Babies


Wow, it does not take long to get addicted again to posting on here!  I feel like I've missed so much!  I just wanted to let you know about this awesome service I discovered out here in Cali.  Well, you know how I have been using the Nature Babycare diapers?  There is a diaper service out here that delivers them, and then picks them up and composts them!  As long as you buy the diapers through them, which is the same price as Target and, you pay just a monthly fee that covers the delivery, pick up and composting.  We are going to be starting the service next month.  I am so glad to finally really be using these diapers for the whole reason I got them in teh first place!  If you were interested in reading about them, its  I'm excited to really go eco friendly here but still get to use disposables!  So how are you?  Your kids look adorable!

Re: *LClaire*

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    Oh my gosh - that's awesome!!! I'm so glad that you found something that works so well for you guys! I tested out composting our wet ones last summer and it definitely worked - so crazy! Thanks so much for the link to them - it was interesting to read about the company and their process, etc.

     We're good around here. Staying busy as the kids keep growing:) How are your little ones? We need some new pictures! So glad to hear that you're enjoying life in SF:) My BIL&SIL and niece just moved there, too, and they loooove it so far. 

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