Parenting after 35

Baeba review and veggie Q

So I used the Baeba last night.  Its pretty cool! Other moms reviewed it and said the Downside was that it was too small and they would have to make batches and batches.  Not necessarily true.  I just added more food and more water to steam.

And cleanup was a snap...just dont let it cake on and harden.  Another complaint from the moms.

It was pretty quick and handy.  And though I hate an appliance for every single thing, this is handy as I dont have to whip out my industrial size food processor, strainer and heavy steel pot.

So Q....G didnt really like her sweet potatoes.  I added milk to it and it was OK. Is that OK to do and then refreeze?  

Another Q:  Do I have to wait 1 week in order to introduce another veggie?

EDIT:  It was formula that I added.

Re: Baeba review and veggie Q

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    Yay! So glad you liked it!

    I don't have the Baeba but I enjoyed making it. It was fun!

    Okay, not sure about the milk. Did you add reall milk or BM? If reall milk did M ever have that before?

    As for the introduction of a new veggie, I was told by pedi to wait at least 3 days.


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    Glad the Beabe worked well for you.  Why the heck would people complain that it was hard to clean up food they let harden onto the pot/bowl?  Duh!

    I have only added water to the veggies before freezing.  According to, formula may get weird if frozen into purees, but it shouldn't be a health issue:

    You should not use Previously Frozen Breast Milk to thin pur?es that you will then be freezing into baby food cubes.

    Breast Milk should never be re-frozen in any way or form. Using formula to thin and then freeze Pur?es is acceptable.

    Formula companies warn that you do not freeze Infant Formula due to a separation of the formula and not due to any health or nutritional risks. Keep in mind that the amount of formula used in pur?es is not equal to feeding an infant a bottle of formula.

     "Freezing of any Enfamil formula is NOT recommended. Freezing infant formula can lead to physical property changes like fat separation, which may prove difficult for sensitive infants to digest. Freezing will not extend the expiration date of the formula." "Freezing of our products may cause loss of desirable appearance and functionality (though not nutrition), and is not recommended." Clinical Frequently Asked Questions, Storing Enfamil

    You may wish to mash or puree your baby foods and freeze without thinning with any liquid. Should you decide to do this, you simply thaw the "un-thinned" food cubes and then thin the food cubes to the desired texture that your infant requires.tip For more information, visit our Blog topic on using Formula in Baby Food Recipes

    Our pedi recommended 3-4 days between new foods.  Another rec was to introduce in the morning or early afternoon so if there is a reaction the doctor will still be in their office. (That said, we have intro'd new veggies in the evening with no problems).

    DD1 is 3, DD2 is 1.
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    Pahokie!  Nice thorough job!  Do you also do taxes???
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    Hm!  I am a gadget hound, so I totally want one.  I'm glad you're enjoying yours!
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    Thanks for the review, I took mine out of the box this week and started to read the directions and such. Glad to hear you liked it, I am exited about mine.

    Seeing as Pahokie answered everything so well, I will just say Bon Appetit little G.

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    Seeing as Pahokie answered everything so well, I will just say Bon Appetit little G.

    LOL, exactly.  But I'm glad you like the Beaba Babycook.  I love it, and still use it to steam carrots and such for Keira.  Some moms say it's a waste because you can just use your stove and food processor/blender, but to me, the Babycook makes things so much easier.

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